On this whole gay/bisexual/lesbian debate, I find it really weird how we have people here saying that so-and-so doesn't 'look' gay/bisexual/lesbian, like anyone who's considered ldbtq have a standard look. It's like, what sort of world do you live in? While some people of a certain sexuality might look or act what people might consider stereotypical for their sexuality, many more don't. You can get guys that look as manly as you can imagine, and they prefer cock, you can get guys who are effeminate, and prefer cock, and you can get guys that seriously look like the guy next door - as standard as they come - and they prefer cock. Not everyone makes such a big deal of their sexuality that they embody it with how they dress and look just so you can know.
As for Ian, while I agree it would be stupid to just shoehorn in bisexuality, and I would never want that (although there are ways to make it work if done cleverly, or with revision), as far I know he's only ever spoken of one relationship he's been in which was with a girl. Even if Ian doesn't show any interest in guys at the moment, that doesn't mean that much. It doesn't mean he hasn't experimented in the past, or that he's not bi-curious (guys are generally more tentative in showing this then women for the obvious judgement that can come with it), or that he couldn't show an interest in future if he just happens to meet someone he connects with on a deep level and also happens to be guy. It happens. The scale from gay to straight is a broad one, and there's a lot of room in the middle, people.
Of course, I'm not saying Ian IS bisexual either, I'm just saying that we don't know that he's not (unless Eva has confirmed it and I've just not heard).
That being said, I don't actually expect Eva to create bisexual content for Ian at all - I've said that many times - I just thought it would be interesting with some characters (like Axel), and kinda nice to have the same kinda opportunities as Lena has for those of us interested. But again, I don't expect it, so chill.
On the topic of bisexuality, and being bisexual myself, I feel like a LOT of people don't understand bisexuality. They assume that anyone who identifies as bisexual finds men and women equally attractive, and that's it. No. Human's are rarely half and half or fully anything when it comes to sexuality (or anything else for that matter - nothing is 'perfect').
For example, you can be a bisexual woman who is overwhelmingly attracted to men, and is incredibly picky about what women she's attracted to, yet she is still attracted to women. Doesn't make you any less bisexual.
Or you could be a bisexual man who has dated/gotten intimate with men and women in the past, but is now almost exclusively into men, and while your attraction to women is still there, you have no desire to be with women at the moment. Maybe that won't always be the case, but that's what suits your taste right now.
That's part of being human, and being bisexual. We go through phases sometimes where we prefer one gender over the other or we may generally feel more strongly towards one gender then another.
Also, women are not generally more bi-curious or more likely to be bisexual then men. Although one gender has to have more bisexuals among their ranks simple because that's the nature of things, we have no way of accurately saying which it is. What we do know is that women often feel more free to act on bisexual feelings or urges then men do because there's less judgement from their gender or society in general on the issue.
In any case - bi-curious, bisexual, straight, gay, lesbian etc etc etc all of it's okay. Your sexuality or preferences doesn't define you, they're just one aspect of your overall personality. I feel like some people didn't get that memo.
Anyway, sorry for that rant. In short, Ian could be a total top, Jeremy could secretly love to take it up the ass like a bitch, who the fuck knows? In short, Eva is the only one who knows - we don't.
And yeah, I know I'm probably gonna get hate for this, but I wanted to say it anyway.