I think it would fit if chad Ian can become friends with Axel, bring Jeremy along, maybe even bring Mike into the fold, and that becomes his new friends group... but it could be very difficult to execute in a player-friendly way, as well as a writer-friendly way for Eva. If being friends with any or all of these characters is based off of friendship points (denoting who is your friend, and therefore in your new group, and who is not), it would be a massive amount of work to create alternative text or even situations for every variation of your group of three (if one or two of them aren't in the group, say).
At the same time, if they become Ian's new friend group by 'default' when he reaches a certain level of chad, and therefore you're no longer friends with Perry and Wade, it feels like it's going against player agency (not to mention rendering Ian's relationship score with them completely pointless, so I don't think they'll do this one.)
And if they just bring in two new characters for Ian to be friends with, that's gonna feel so tacked on and poorly done. I can't even imagine that.
But I think we all agree that mega chad Ian probably wouldn't stay friends with Perry and Wade due to how extremely different their tastes and lifestyles are. It would just seem weird.
Maybe chad Ian just becomes a lone wolf if/when he leaves Perry and Wade? Sort of like how Ashley got her own apartment in GGGB. At least that would take away the work, and not shoehorn the players into any weird friendships.