
Active Member
Mar 25, 2018
All that talk about clothes had me thinking what I would have chosen for Ian instead. Not an easy task I must say. I wouldn't use the same colour palate though as it makes the outfit itself not memorable enough. Perhaps he needs another haircut instead or pants a different texture!?
Does anybody here has a marvelous idea?


Engaged Member
Dec 15, 2020
All that talk about clothes had me thinking what I would have chosen for Ian instead. Not an easy task I must say. I wouldn't use the same colour palate though as it makes the outfit itself not memorable enough. Perhaps he needs another haircut instead or pants a different texture!?
Does anybody here has a marvelous idea?
Well it is highly subjective after all. I actually like the wits outfit quite a bit, I think it looks sleek but practical.

For the charisma outfit I do not so much mind the outfit itself. Others have commented that a leather jacket would have been nice and that could have been cool too I suppose. I feel like leather jackets is something people wear either because they think it's practical or they love the style personally, I wouldn't assume it's just something you pick up while out casually clothes-shopping.

Most of all I feel like there should have been something to respresent Ian on the outfit, I mentioned that the shirt could perhaps have a logo of his favourite band or something. A smart and charismatic guy knows to prop his apperance up to attract glances, the current colour scheme would make me assume that Ian wants to be left alone.

If I were to design it I might have given him a shirt with a lighter colour, with or without the mentioned logo and more of a proper jacket. Something that makes him look concious of how he looks, I feel like more than any other trait the Charismatic-based one should look like Ian actually thought about what he'd look like for many different situations. Wits would be more for an Ian that wants something sensible and lust-Ian would wear something specifically to attract women while the athletics outfit should be for optimal bodily comfort while showing off the fruits of his physical labours.

I actually think the red shirt Ian already has makes for a decent lust outfit. It's simple and highlights his physical traits. I can see where Eva is going with the turtle neck though, I would at least notice a fella wearing it if I still went out to meet men. Despite that, I don't feel like a turtle-neck is for going clubbing, which I assume would be the main point of having a lust outfit, to go out and attract women. There is a reason why Jeremy, Axel and Jack wear what they wear and Eva knows that.
Maybe the lust-turtle-neck is meant to show that Ian has confidence to pull it off.
Regardless, I think it will suit her colour scheme fine. At least I feel like the dar-blue/gray hues would suit it well, I think a dude wearing a colourful turtle-neck would look odd out in the daring-scene. It would feel like more of an artistic statement to me.

Athletic outfit is whatever, but it should be an alternative to what he already has. A tank-top that highlights his chest and shows off his arms. No shorts, those won't work in situations outside the gym.
Jul 6, 2021
Legit wishing I didn't fuck Cindy in the alley because it's gonna bite me in the ass harder than Louise wants to bite Lena's ass. But it was impossible. I shall sink with the ship

I only did in one of 4 saves I have - 2 didn't go to the party, other followed Wade. Unfortunately it's the only one I have Ian with Lena. Jeremy sure won't tell her and Ivy probably not either (if Perry comes it's him with Jeremy - from a save I moronically saved over by accident.) I also saw if you get Perry confident and DON'T go for Emma he gets with her. Don't think there's a way to get him with Cherry. I pity the Ian in a save where he's banging both Lena AND Cherry!
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Oct 16, 2020
I only did in one of 4 saves I have - 2 didn't go to the party, other followed Wade. Unfortunately it's the only one I have Ian with Lena. Jeremy sure won't tell her and Ivy probably not either (if Perry comes it's him with Jeremy - from a save I moronically saved over by accident.) I also saw if you get Perry confident and DON'T go for Emma he gets with her. Don't think there's a way to get him with Cherry. I pity the Ian in a save where he's banging both Lena AND Cherry!
here are some saves that I sort out with different routes, in case you are wondering other routes you haven't play, each save I did a simple description to help player to understand the status of this save

compiled a bunch of saves on different routes right to the End of Chapter 8, if anyone needs them
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Attach file is save info, not save itself, saves are above using Mediafire link


Apr 8, 2018
- Jeremy IS definitely a Piece of Shit and a Lousy Friend!!
He Had to Try and 'under-cut' Ian to fuck Alison too; KNOWING how Ian felt about her.
Thank you for pointing this out because I think this Scenario is way too overlooked in regards to Jeremy. This was also the Moment in my Playthrough where I hated Jeremy from Ian's Perspective. The Game basically gives you three Choices there to define Ian's Intentions with Alison (Block/Doubt/Go for it) and if your Ian cares about Alison more than Sex than of course he doesn't want Jeremy to go after her but Jeremy doesn't give a shit about Ian's Feelings here and the only reason nothing happens in the following Chapters is because Alison isn't interested if you play her Full Route but Jeremy tries again and again (He even says later in Chapter 7 or so that he tried the whole time to get with Alison). And even if Ian and Alison aren't together right now (because of course they first have to get to this Point) Ian can kind of tell him with these Hints that he is interested in her (An Ian who is not really interested in her would surely say go for it to Jeremy) and then it's a bitch move from a Guy who claims to be a "Bro" and always claims he has enough Girls already and definitely doesn't want anything more than Sex from Alison.
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Dec 30, 2019
Making a Jessica scene in ORS might be tricky. IIRC, Good Jessica is on a relationship (possibly with Dave) and Bad Jessica is basically a bimbo. So if Eva wanted to do scene with her, there will be a lot of variations and plot holes. An example would be, why would good Jessica be fucking around if she is already on a relationship with Dave?


Dec 30, 2019
I only did in one of 4 saves I have - 2 didn't go to the party, other followed Wade. Unfortunately it's the only one I have Ian with Lena. Jeremy sure won't tell her and Ivy probably not either (if Perry comes it's him with Jeremy - from a save I moronically saved over by accident.) I also saw if you get Perry confident and DON'T go for Emma he gets with her. Don't think there's a way to get him with Cherry. I pity the Ian in a save where he's banging both Lena AND Cherry!
In my save Perry and Cherry are getting along well; he even invited her to the apartment to hang out. That's why Lena and Cherry met each other subsequently and then the drama ensues.


Dec 12, 2019

Ian's new look: Athletics
For his Athletics look Ian will be sporting a tight workout shirt. It might not be the most elegant attire, but it's perfect for showing his gains to the ladies!
I wanted to give him tracksuit-style pants to complete the look, but I stuck with the black jeans, shared with all other four looks. I made this decision to save some time and make it easier for myself when drawing the game's illustrations, since adding all possible outfit variations is really time-consuming and a real burden, also ramping up the number of images per chapter, and making them heavier. And in this new chapter there's quite a few instances where I had to draw every different outfit for Ian, so limiting the variations to his shirt is somewhat helpful


Oct 16, 2020

Ian's new look: Athletics
For his Athletics look Ian will be sporting a tight workout shirt. It might not be the most elegant attire, but it's perfect for showing his gains to the ladies!
I wanted to give him tracksuit-style pants to complete the look, but I stuck with the black jeans, shared with all other four looks. I made this decision to save some time and make it easier for myself when drawing the game's illustrations, since adding all possible outfit variations is really time-consuming and a real burden, also ramping up the number of images per chapter, and making them heavier. And in this new chapter there's quite a few instances where I had to draw every different outfit for Ian, so limiting the variations to his shirt is somewhat helpful
View attachment 1293786
Under Armour Sponsorship?


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
Making a Jessica scene in ORS might be tricky. IIRC, Good Jessica is on a relationship (possibly with Dave) and Bad Jessica is basically a bimbo. So if Eva wanted to do scene with her, there will be a lot of variations and plot holes. An example would be, why would good Jessica be fucking around if she is already on a relationship with Dave?
Bad Jessica isn't a bimbo. If you play a chad Ian and come on too strong she's actually turned off you. Bad Jess seems to have had an upgrade (if you wanna see it that way) since GGGB in that she's clearly more picky about the guys she fucks. If she was a bimbo she'd probably have already got with Ian when he first started chatting her up.

Ian's new look: Athletics
For his Athletics look Ian will be sporting a tight workout shirt. It might not be the most elegant attire, but it's perfect for showing his gains to the ladies!
This is the first of the new outfits that I actually like. The pants feel a bit off -- it wouldn't have been that hard to swap the fly for some draw-strings, for example, and that would be a better aesthetic for the fitness look -- but the top sorta makes up for it - I like.
I do think that the color palette for Ian's improved looks doesn't really fit him though, and it's weird for me to see that and for Eva not to. The idea is that Ian is changing, becoming more bold in one/several area/s, and the colors should reflect that as well as the design. I'm not suggesting Eva go crazy with the color scheme, but actually adding some color would speak of confidence and either consciously or subconsciously wanting to stand out in some fashion, and that applies to all areas - wits, charisma, fitness, lust.
That's the reason why Ian's red shirt outfit was so effective as an edition to his wardrobe, because it clearly stood out and fit with a more confident, chad-like Ian that some people were aiming for. The fact that the look didn't fit in with his groups old bar hangout, and the game made note of that, was sorta perfect.
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Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
Also, when looking at the existing lineup of new outfits, I feel like next to the fitness and the wits outfit the charisma outfit looks even more shitty. Like, if you had to choose between those three outfits, who tf would actually choose the charisma? Legit.
I wonder if Eva sees the context, or if she cares about it.
EDIT: I just thought of something. I can imagine some people may prefer the charisma outfit if they don't want their Ian to stand out so much or want a more casual look for a less chad-like Ian, but that says something, doesn't it? Wanting to look casual, and choosing the "charisma" outfit option?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
Yeah, really not fond of the jeans on an athletic outfit. I get the reasoning for not wanting it to be even more work going forward, but that one feels egregious (confirmation Ian always skips leg day when working out).

I guess the thing that bothers me is just that the outfits are being held back creatively when, in the game's design, they are supposed to be the special "stand-out" clothes of the character, something the player had to pursue and spend resources to unlock. If we take Lena's outfits as an example, it is not like the player will get to choose to wear them all the time, they will be reserved for special events, so if they will be a relatively rare sight for the player it will be more dissapointing if they don't look as special as they could.

The core of the issue, as it is currently implemented, is that if the outfits are reserved for special events, it becomes a trade-off between unique CGs for said events and unique-looking clothes for said events, if you have both then the workload to deal with the variations will be very high (I do wonder if Eva keeping the exact same pair of pants for every outfit is because she plans to have h-scenes during one of those events where Ian is shirtless during foreplay, that way Eva doesn't need to do any variations on the CG itself to account for the different outfits).

An alternative method of implementation that could reduce the workload bloating would be to restrict what outfits can be used in a special event (EvaKiss already played with this idea for Lena's first concert, the player couldn't pick the lust or the athletics outfit, only the charisma and wits ones), if the choices of outfits are restricted to purely as an upgrade to Ian's default clothes for different events (i.e, a wits themed event becomes a choice between Ian's brown hoodie and the Wits outfit, can't choose other outfits besides those two), then there wouldn't be too many variations and it could be feasible for EvaKiss to make unique CGs and have the clothes look more different from each other, but it would harm the player's freedom of choice.


Apr 8, 2018
In my save Perry and Cherry are getting along well; he even invited her to the apartment to hang out. That's why Lena and Cherry met each other subsequently and then the drama ensues.
Yes the same in my Playthrough. And I don't know how much we can influence Perry's Endgame but I would definitely tend to PerryXCherry more than PerryXEmma if this are the Options for him. Also if you help Perry with Cherry in Chapter 8 it seems Emma supports this. I really liked that Scene.

I can already see the last outfit
View attachment 1293955
Damn this gave me a good laugh :ROFLMAO: Thanks for that!
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