thinks we speak another language,hard sex,obscene sex men with suitable character,Ian has the face of a good boys from the boys that moms adore,a director can not cast a hard killer in him Mr Bean nor to play the role of a stupid comedian Chuck Norris.
the GGGB had the right characters for the game.
with characters like Perry,Ian,Stanley I make comedies not hard porn.
You're right, we do speak a different language, in that I can see how a character can be more then just how they may first appear, and that a character can grow and change (and their personality along with it), whereas you prefer the physical appearance to match the personality right from the start in order for the character to feel convincing to you. I can see how you preferred GGGB in that way - GGGB is a game that has more stereotypical characters then ORS has; in many ways it's a simpler game then ORS is. That's not a bad thing, just testament to how Eva's writing has evolved since GGGB.
As I said, I believe Ian would be every bit capable of hardcore sex acts by the end, and feel suited to the part, if Eva chooses to go that route for him. But I also believe that Axel and Jeremy probably won't become as deeply depraved as you're hoping they will, so I think how far they go will set a standard for how far Ian can potentially go. In any case, I think Ian's content will probably be around the same level of extreme that Lena's will by the end, considering how Eva tries to keep their stories somewhat equal. I'll be interested to see to what level Eva will let us customize our Ian too, like changing his hairstyle (and we know he'll be able to get tatts and probably facial hair), to better suit his changing personality. That can go a long way in altering a character from how they start out.
Will he ever be as buff as Axel - no, and will he ever have a huge dick like Jeremy - no, but I don't think he needs them to fit the part.
BTW, I'm not judging you on any of this despite how some of it may sound - it's your opinion and that's totally fine; I'm just saying it's likely the reason why we'll never see eye-to-eye on Ian. We see him very differently.