Does anyone know how the next update is doing?
Never thought I'd say this to anyone, but... Nice hairy chest and balls. Great foreskin, man.Did some art style experiments, preparing for my More Love Interests for Lena mod (imagine a sexting scenario), what do people think?
As I said, no way I could make it consistent with Eva's original art. Ended up looking a bit like Lust Campus, but I think it could fit.
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...So if i'd spend an hour or two for downloading more brushes and experiment with sw settings, or a day or few to learn how to draw
One may call it a decontextualization - to make a quote out of context. Here - i help you to read it in whole meaning.So if i'd spend an hour or two for downloading more brushes and experiment with sw settings, or a day or few to learn how to draw
So I was telling to him about how to make his "drawings" for his potential mod to this game in the same style. In context of that I was meaning NOT "to learn how to draw", but "learn how to draw in the same way as this game images made" in other words "to learn how to make tracings properly". And am quite sure, that if that ugly draft took me 10mins in total, and it's already more similar by technic to this game images than those images samples that he offered for discussion and asked about opinions from a side - that practicaly means if i, or anyone with hands and head, would spend a day or few for learning and practicing in tracings more than i did for 10 mins without learning anything - it would be quite enough to make the same primitive quality of tracings to fit mod's images style to the original game images style. ^_^So if i'd spend an hour or two for downloading more brushes and experiment with sw settings, or a day or few to learn how to draw - i'd make it the same as this game style
Bring it.Missing: Big, fat, nasty, old trucker with a sweaty pit-stained shirt and a filthier mind. Maybe some of his trucker buddies too, if you want to make Lena a truck-stop tart for her discrete nympho route. Plus a way for her to pick up a little extra cash on the side along with a dirty thrill. Dirty older men at an adult theatre & gloryhole are also an option. I don't think Eva will be adding that content for Lena, but you're sure to have some fans.
Yes, if you went the "Tyrone´s friends" route she could become a porn star. Embracing a new identity and not being in the gang are the other triggers (off the top of my head - didn´t check).Did Ashley do porn? If not, am sure in the Billie path Lena might meet Ashley.
Out of every dev on this forum, Evakiss is one of the best and most reliable.
It's September the 30th, Sir.she said '' I would kick myself in the teeth so hard if I can't get this chapter out before the end of September'' why you have to do this sort of promises? This very common and childish for the creators. Nobody ask you a deadline but if you say that, you have to do that.
I think you need breast enhancements too.Yes, if you went the "Tyrone´s friends" route she could become a porn star. Embracing a new identity and not being in the gang are the other triggers (off the top of my head - didn´t check).
Are you mental? Half of the Wermacht and the entire Zulu and Aztec armies marched between Ashleys legs...Since GGGB is mainly about women and lesbian stuff, I have never played it and will not do it. That's why I have to ask you. Are there many characters from GGGB that can already be seen in ORS? I read JESSICA was also present in GGGB.
Dude.Since GGGB is mainly about women and lesbian stuff, I have never played it and will not do it. That's why I have to ask you. Are there many characters from GGGB that can already be seen in ORS? I read JESSICA was also present in GGGB.
who the hell told u that GGGB is mainly about women and lesbian stuff? was him high?Since GGGB is mainly about women and lesbian stuff, I have never played it and will not do it. That's why I have to ask you. Are there many characters from GGGB that can already be seen in ORS? I read JESSICA was also present in GGGB.
What you need is a software or tool that smoothens out the line work if you're not familiar with the pen tool (photoshop/gimp) to reduce all the jittery.Another art experiment while preparing for the mod
Trying it on top of one of Eva's original backgrounds this time, while trying to remake Lena herself with the blue ish hair and eyebrows etc
It's already looking a bit better with the clear lines on there (although you do need to smooth the lines more), but it's still too photo-realistic to fit with ORS's style. If you try to simplify the shadows and light by reducing the amount of tones in the image it will be a lot closer to what I assume you're aiming for. Also, I would stop using the oil painting filter on the images because it's not really helping, seeing as the ORS art style is quite clean, and not a 'brushed' painted one.Another art experiment while preparing for the mod
Trying it on top of one of Eva's original backgrounds this time, while trying to remake Lena herself with the blue ish hair and eyebrows etc
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Another art style experiment
Less details and colors than previously so a little bit closer to Eva's style
Lines are a bit more stable
Using the gallery background this time
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