Review/thoughts about the new chapter 44:
Damn this chapter was amazing. There were so many things i loved about it. How is it possible that this avn is this awesome for such a long time already and still gets better with every chapter?
Loved the talk between Cro and CJ at the beginning and the talk between Cro and Sarah afterwards. Cro and Sarah, the two hands of CJ, awesome.
The Hector and teresa backstory and the song were pretty cool too, i liked it. The explanation of Staceys behavior could have maybe been more explored? I took it like she went crazy when her connection to auxo got cut?
Afterwards it got more and more epic. I LOVED the entrance of vic/khione and leah/carpo into auxo's realm and their potrayed anger. Everything was awesome about it, the renders, the music, the dialog.
And for the first time we saw a new side of CJ which he obviously hated but deemed nessecary nontheless. He made Khione and Carpo obey him and forced his will upon them.
It was like a glimpse into the real power and possibilitys CJ possesses and kinda showcased at the same time how powerful yet dangerous his abilitys are and could be a reason for why he's always kinda holding back and never seeks the spotlight.
The talk with auxo afterwards was great too especially the part with Cro, Cro really needs and deserves to be hugged at this point and mommy auxo was right there to tell her how beautiful she is. And afterwards we even got teased about the sword.
The whole Auxo "conclusion" was awesome as it was just something entirely different and (for me) unexpected. Its not a simple problem with a simple solution.
Nothing is easy right or wrong anymore and morality kinda goes out of the window when youre "managing" things at the scale auxo is operating. Micromanging the creation of the moon and "humans" to research fire and all the little steps to create CJ on so many attempts ..
Its impossible to condem her actions, the scale she operates on is way too impalpable. Even more so if she really kinda only sees the outcomes for CJ's shards. Even more so as her actions seemed to be clouded more and more by the nightmare.
And everything ended on a kinda sad note for CJ. He's motherless now, all which remains for him are memorys of a person who was supposed to be his mom torturing him in his childhood and now no longer exists anymore but Stacey got her life back and a second chance.