I seriously expected a lot more after glancing at overall review score and trying to play the game without spoiling myself, I should have really thoroughly read the reviews before. I mean this is a porn board, right? Is this a good game? Yes, the story is nice, sometimes a bit inconsistent but still overall enjoyable and interesting. Characters are nicely done, mc is a bit clueless but not to the point it becomes unbearable. There is some forced drama but maybe it is good for the story.
However is it a good porn game? Or even a good erotic game? Absolutely not. And this is after a supposed H scenes rework. Come on, the game goes on for hours before anything remotely hot happens, which is like after 15 chapters I believe. At this point my expectations were so ruined the scene failed to turn me on. Even the occasional casual nudity in the early game or Vic's moment of stupidity is obviously made in a way as not to show anything. I mean do you guys hate sexual content? Are you forced to do it? Do you have nobody on the team experienced in making porn games?
This game would be probably better without any sexual content at all as you clearly have no idea how to do it properly. You have a protagonist that after his change calls himself Chad Thundercock Junior, you have a harem setting with every single girl liking him a lot or maybe in love with him and this is what comes out of it? There could be tons of good erotic stuff but all the opportunities for them are wasted. There is maybe a total of 1-2 minutes of forced H scenes in a game with several hours of story. I mean sure the story alone is enjoyable but this is not a game to fap to and right now it will be extremely hard to make it so if not too late for that. Even now when the story is at the point each girl knows they should bond with mc and there is no more excuse for not going heavy on sexual stuff the way Jamie acts makes me think you will try to add few more hours of character development instead. It's a pity how good this game could be but is not and this really makes me sad.