Near unplayable because they game forces you to enact dozens of choices before you can proceed. And the UI doesn't help that at all, since it is usually several nested menus inside of eachother, rather just a list of drop down menus.
Character creation? You need to pick something for every single statistic- from ass size to when you are into middle aged women- before you can proceed. And you also need 3 personality traits, even though the game never tells you have a max of three until you hit the max.
Similarly, you need to plan out your week. Which means picking 7 different activities, even though you don't know what a single one of them does. I am not sure, you might need 7 evening activities, as well as locations for every activity too. I have been at the week screen for 10 minutes just trying to do a "find a job" button. I also assume that I have to pick out outfits for each of these options, although the game doesn't tell me that is the problem.
This game either needs be programmed to get a defaults answer ("medium sized ass", "just rest when I do not specify", "just the default outfit"), or at least something that highlights which of the dozens of choices I didn't fill in.