Sep 9, 2021
I'd say her husband values her as much she does him, which is to say not very much beyond what they can provide for eachother (a trophy and cash). I'd also say, though, that ultimately the sucker is more of a victim than she is. I mean, he's probably cheating too, and he lowkey fucked her up with all his looking down on her, and Felicia or some other hot woman would have likely been the same to him, but like i said, she willfully made her bed.

And as for the mommy issues bit, i was talking about the MC. Morals might be a part of it for him, but as i read it most of his disdain (in the hate-fuck scenario) came from his understanding that Felicia was doing all this stuff that his mom had been 'forced' to do just for shit and giggles. It was personal to him, and it was quite smart of the devs to write it that way 'cause it makes complete sense.

But anyway, i'm in no way trying to justify her actions. What i'm saying is that i appreciate the complexity of her character, and how it comes at the cost of something more cheaply 'likeable'.
Bro you are making a shitty argument :
1.There is no proof her husband is cheating on her while she the one doing that.
2. I was also taking about mc : mc knows the ìmportance of money because what his mother have to done for money so who mc shold help women in real need or a woman which just want be a public whore.

3. If you are interested in character you should go for Khatelee or whatever the fuck her name is.

I don't like Ian either, but my personal feelings is irrelevant because what matters is Mina as a character. So far, she hasn't shown initiative to break things up with him. If MC chose to be fuck buddies and didn't encourage for her to break up with him, there might be a path where they stayed together with MC being the third wheel in the MMF threesome.

I think this is a bit too shallow of an interpretation about Felicia as a character. She's a much more complex than that. Even the simple claim of trying to buy MC to fuck is not as it seems on the surface, it's more about her trying to not get feelings involved. Though this next part is just my own interpretation, I believe she did so more for MC's benefit rather than her own. She kept on asking MC's age to emphasize his youth and that he didn't have to be stuck with (or following the footsteps of) a woman who is much older, and that he could do better than that.
I am just seeing things the way they are !
If you are sure : Here is question : Why she felica fucked mc when they meet first time ?
The fact of the matter is : she is a whore by nature other because of the problem they are in.
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Active Member
Apr 28, 2017
Bro you are making a shitty argument :
1.There is no proof her husband is cheating on her while she the one doing that.
2. I was also taking about mc : mc knows the ìmportance of money because what his mother have to done for money so who mc shold help women in real need or a woman which just want be a public whore.

3. If you are interested in character you should go for Khatelee or whatever the fuck her name is.
0. Ain't making no argument.
1. Hence the 'probably'.
2. Yes, that's what i said. But if you really want me to answer that, obviously Rosaline is life.
3. Wut :KEK:
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Jan 26, 2019
when i click the link to vote it takes me to a blank page with just the text: "Sorry, you are not permitted to access this page". am i doing something wrong?


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
If you are sure : Here is question : Why she felica fucked mc when they meet first time ?
Because there's no love in her marriage and she has low opinion of herself where she tried to portray herself as if she doesn't matter. Though she clearly enjoys sex, joining the game wasn't because she enjoyed it. It's a necessity where she's willing to lower herself to achieve her goal. This is the same thing that Rosalind and Veronica do. The difference is that her goal has something to do with the art school.

So if you keep on insisting to question whether to help Rosalind who is broke or Felicia who is not, you have to dig deeper and understand that it's Elias who is rich, not Felicia. She had no power on how to spend his money which resulted in the failure in saving the art school. Joining the game is the next step which is for her to gain power by building connection that is independent to her husband.

Going back to the question whether to help Rosalind or Felicia, I can re-phrase the question into "Are you helping just 2 people in Rosalind and her daughter, or Felicia who can potentially help so many underprivileged kids for generations to come?" It isn't as easy and straightforward answer anymore, huh?


Jan 31, 2018
The bi-curious stat definitely means interest in girls. My guess is that it'd determine whether the threesome that she wanted is MMF (with Ian?) or MFF (with Hana or Veronica or Felicia?). I wish there is a polygamy path, but I have no idea how the devs would implement it considering there are quite a lot of possibilities with the girls, so limited threesome/orgy scenes might be the limit. We'll see how it goes.
The story is definitely leaning towards a MFF with MC/Hana/Mina, probably evolving into something more permanent is my prediction. Though I suppose it could be someone else, with Felicia being the next most likely, but as a one time thing. My best guess is Hana for Mina Lover Path, and Felicia for Fuck Buddies Path.

Also what is up with Killian hate? The dude has been nothing but good friend for the MC. He helped him with job, helps him with girls and is generally supportive. He doesn't treat his girlfriend right and I can condemn him for that, but to you, the MC, he has done nothing wrong.
It's kind of a topic that's been beaten to death here in the past, but basically because Killian is a pretty horrible individual. He reveals in the debauchery, cheats on Mina, abuses the women under his authority etc. (of course MC might also be pretty horrible depending on how you play him, but that's a topic for another time). Literally his *only* redeeming quality is that he is nice to MC and Victoria. But that's hardly a high bar to reach. "He's nice to the people he likes and is grateful towards" is tautological and redundant. Anyone else, Killian treats like shit if he can get away with it.
Sep 9, 2021
Because there's no love in her marriage and she has low opinion of herself where she tried to portray herself as if she doesn't matter. Though she clearly enjoys sex, joining the game wasn't because she enjoyed it. It's a necessity where she's willing to lower herself to achieve her goal. This is the same thing that Rosalind and Veronica do. The difference is that her goal has something to do with the art school.

So if you keep on insisting to question whether to help Rosalind who is broke or Felicia who is not, you have to dig deeper and understand that it's Elias who is rich, not Felicia. She had no power on how to spend his money which resulted in the failure in saving the art school. Joining the game is the next step which is for her to gain power by building connection that is independent to her husband.

Going back to the question whether to help Rosalind or Felicia, I can re-phrase the question into "Are you helping just 2 people in Rosalind and her daughter, or Felicia who can potentially help so many underprivileged kids for generations to come?" It isn't as easy and straightforward answer anymore, huh?
Okkk okkk I get it ! YOU LIKE FELICA, that is why shit framed in golden rape look like golden dust to you btw I like Hana but I like to help Rosalind because she in the need of most.

She(Felica) want to help furture generation that will come.

While her character can't think beyond a cock she will definitely will help kids :cautious: :WaitWhat:

No love in marriage? Her husband basically worship her and praise her 5 times ?

It's simple at this point because you guys like her you will twist the things the way you like so you can feel good about her being a whore.

None of you said she should have divorced her husband then run for money.
Nope ruin someone life for a cock ? Yeah she is so great, right ?
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Oct 6, 2020
Created a text guide for the update, since ZoeyRaven will no longer be doing so. File contains only a guide for the newest content, please refer to ZoeyRaven's guide for previous content.

Also updated my in-game mod.

Edit: 2021-12-30 - fixed an issue with two incorrect values during Felicia's shoot.
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Engaged Member
Sep 3, 2017
Okkk okkk I get it ! YOU LIKE FELICA, that is why shit framed in golden rape look like golden dust to you btw I like Hana but I like to help Rosalind because she in the need of most.
My main playthrough has Felicia has my Carnation partner, but I will admit I picked her purely on sex appeal. I have very mixed feelings about her cheating on her husband with the MC (and every customer she's going to get). On the one hand I abhor cheaters, on the other...yeah, I fucked her right in the ass in his office and agreed to go on a date with her (without money, but it was mostly to keep options open, I doubt I'd ever pick her as my main girl for an ending).

I really should make a "Super Nice Guy!" playthrough at some point and pick Rosalind (sorry Veronica but family > business...unless you're in the mob I guess).
No love in marriage? Her husband basically worship her and praise her 5 times ?
Eh...I think you should probably put some quotes around "praise" up there. He may "love" her, but in the same way as it seems most of the douchebags in the game "love" the girls they're with. Let's just say he's a very self-centered, egomaniacal narcissistic individual. ...which could also be said about most of the douchebags (male and female) in the game.
None of you said she should have divorced her husband then run for money.
I'm going to assume there's a prenup in place so she doesn't get shit and ends up having to go home to Alabama or wherever without a cent to her name (minus what she SHOULD have stashed away).


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
Okkk okkk I get it ! YOU LIKE FELICA, that is why shit framed in golden rape look like golden dust to you btw I like Hana but I like to help Rosalind because she in the need of most.
She(Felica) want to help furture generation that will come.
While her character can't think beyond a cock she will definitely will help kids :cautious: :WaitWhat:
Yes she wanted to help the kids because she was one of those kids. That art school is one of the reasons why she survived her childhood. "Willing to help" is a fact. Depending on your choice as MC, Felicia could end up being the one paying $5,000 to help Rosalind too.

No love in marriage? Her husband basically worship her and praise her 5 times ?
I'm surprised. I feel like you didn't understand the portrayal of the characters at all. Felicia is a trophy wife for Elias. It's not love, it's just to show the world that he has a beautiful wife. He treated her poorly during the interview, and he rejected to save the art school despite her begging him for help.

It's simple at this point because you guys like her you will twist the things the way you like so you can feel good about her being a whore.
What I'm trying to let you know is that each character has layers. You hate her because you only look at the surface ("she's a whore") and not trying to understand her character at all. I'm not twisting anything because all of these are in the game. You'd see it too if you're willing to look for it.

None of you said she should have divorced her husband then run for money.
Nope ruin someone life for a cock ? Yeah she is so great, right?
Why should she divorce the husband when it's marriage for convenience? I don't even understand anymore what you're trying to say about "ruin someone life for a cock"? What are you talking about? What cock and whose life?

I'll stop here. I think it's very clear by now that you completely hate Felicia, and that's fine because you're allowed to have feelings. But I do think it's a bit silly to hate on a character because you don't understand the character at all.
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Oct 20, 2021
Cant wait for Killian and MC to double team Rosalind. Was expecting Felicia to be the first MMF scene but this will do :giggle:.


Jan 31, 2018
Honestly, I think Felicia is the most interesting and well-written characters in the whole story so far. Her character is weirdly somehow both subversive and played straight.

Felicia is played straight as the materialistic gold-digger, well because she is. I also like how there's no attempt to soften her character by trying to transform her materialism into something noble and sympathetic (i.e. "she was traumatised, taken advantage of etc"). Understandably, she views her marriage as purely transactional and so does her husband.

But she also subverts the trope by being extremely ambitious herself. She's not content with her trophy wife status, not from a woe-is-me perspective, and wants to become powerful and influential herself.

Her choice to become a Carnation actually makes perfect sense given her circumstances: an opportunity to gain power and influence independent of her husband, and I think just as importantly, a way to humiliate her husband with little risk of his knowledge, "getting" back at him for the empty transactional marriage and for underestimating her (plus she likes sex too). There would be little other alternatives to do both at the same while also being protected from potential fallout through the Club's resources.

She also has a "softer" side, as evidenced by her relationships with MC and Mina, as well as her love for the art school. Though, I think her altruism in this situation is more "selfish" altruism, in the sense that she only cares about saving the art school because it means so much to her personally and she is being sentimental, and not because she particularly cares about other underprivileged kids. I think she's fully bought into her own materialist self-interested ambitious personality even if perhaps she wasn't always this way.

She's not my personal favourite, nor do I think she's the most lovable person ever but Felicia is the most fascinating character in my opinion.


Engaged Member
Sep 3, 2017
"Speaking" of Elias, who was the girl doing coke lines in the pic on his phone? At first I thought it might have been an old pic of Hana (I will throw him off his fucking balcony if he touches her) but I suspect it may actually have been his daughter. Anyone know?

Cant wait for Killian and MC to double team Rosalind. Was expecting Felicia to be the first MMF scene but this will do :giggle:.
Heh. And here I am wondering about the implications with a pursed / relationshipped Hana and her judging the next competition with the MC being involved. I kind of hope there's a way to take a distanced approach to it or something that won't make her hate the MC. "I swear sweety, Ian and I double-creampied her to be nice and help!"
Sep 9, 2021
Yes she wanted to help the kids because she was one of those kids. That art school is one of the reasons why she survived her childhood. "Willing to help" is a fact. Depending on your choice as MC, Felicia could end up being the one paying $5,000 to help Rosalind too.

I'm surprised. I feel like you didn't understand the portrayal of the characters at all. Felicia is a trophy wife for Elias. It's not love, it's just to show the world that he has a beautiful wife. He treated her poorly during the interview, and he rejected to save the art school despite her begging him for help.

What I'm trying to let you know is that each character has layers. You hate her because you only look at the surface ("she's a whore") and not trying to understand her character at all. I'm not twisting anything because all of these are in the game. You'd see it too if you're willing to look for it.

Why should she divorce the husband when it's marriage for convenience ? I don't even understand anymore what you're trying to say about "ruin someone life for a cock"? What are you talking about? What cock and whose life?

I'll stop here. I think it's very clear by now that you completely hate Felicia, and that's fine because you're allowed to have feelings. But I do think it's a bit silly to hate on a character because you don't understand the character at all.
If truth consider as a hate. I will gladly take that deal. While if she is so right be a husband of someone liKe Falice and then we will see, where the divorce come from or ruining life :cautious::FacePalm:

It's Quite clear you believe more in words then action of individual.
Your words : I feel like you didn't understand the portrayal of the characters at all. I think it's very clear by now that you completely hate Felicia, and that's fine because you're allowed to have feelings.
I : You are the one who is operating on felling.

About Character hate : When people face truth about the character they like they usually do what you are doing : They attack personal so they think they will win, Your words : ( I'm surprised. I feel like you didn't understand the portrayal of the characters at all, because you don't understand the character at all. )


You just want to see world in this game as Mc pov, that is painfully clear !
If someone wife is gonna whore herself out, would that husband like to get divorce or will you ?

I will rest my case with simple words : beta simp !

Trophy wife : trophy wife OR NOT If she had single innocent bone in her she would have chosen self respect over money(Like alway she didn't ! : A gold digger at best. )

My main playthrough has Felicia has my Carnation partner, but I will admit I picked her purely on sex appeal. I have very mixed feelings about her cheating on her husband with the MC (and every customer she's going to get). On the one hand I abhor cheaters, on the other...yeah, I fucked her right in the ass in his office and agreed to go on a date with her (without money, but it was mostly to keep options open, I doubt I'd ever pick her as my main girl for an ending).

I really should make a "Super Nice Guy!" playthrough at some point and pick Rosalind (sorry Veronica but family > business...unless you're in the mob I guess).

Eh...I think you should probably put some quotes around "praise" up there. He may "love" her, but in the same way as it seems most of the douchebags in the game "love" the girls they're with. Let's just say he's a very self-centered, egomaniacal narcissistic individual. ...which could also be said about most of the douchebags (male and female) in the game.

I'm going to assume there's a prenup in place so she doesn't get shit and ends up having to go home to Alabama or wherever without a cent to her name (minus what she SHOULD have stashed away).
1. I picked her purely on sex appeal : Thank you !
2. I really should make a "Super Nice Guy!" playthrough at some point and pick Rosalind (sorry Veronica but family > business...unless you're in the mob I guess). : Thank you !
3. Eh...I think you should probably put some quotes around "praise" up there. He may "love" her, but in the same way as it seems most of the douchebags in the game "love" the girls they're with. Let's just say he's a very self-centered, egomaniacal narcissistic individual. ...which could also be said about most of the douchebags (male and female) in the game. :

Are you sure these words can't be apply on felica too ! :whistle::censored:

Honestly, I think Felicia is the most interesting and well-written characters in the whole story so far. Her character is weirdly somehow both subversive and played straight.

Felicia is played straight as the materialistic gold-digger, well because she is. I also like how there's no attempt to soften her character by trying to transform her materialism into something noble and sympathetic (i.e. "she was traumatised, taken advantage of etc"). Understandably, she views her marriage as purely transactional and so does her husband.

But she also subverts the trope by being extremely ambitious herself. She's not content with her trophy wife status, not from a woe-is-me perspective, and wants to become powerful and influential herself.

Her choice to become a Carnation actually makes perfect sense given her circumstances: an opportunity to gain power and influence independent of her husband, and I think just as importantly, a way to humiliate her husband with little risk of his knowledge, "getting" back at him for the empty transactional marriage and for underestimating her (plus she likes sex too). There would be little other alternatives to do both at the same while also being protected from potential fallout through the Club's resources.

She also has a "softer" side, as evidenced by her relationships with MC and Mina, as well as her love for the art school. Though, I think her altruism in this situation is more "selfish" altruism, in the sense that she only cares about saving the art school because it means so much to her personally and she is being sentimental, and not because she particularly cares about other underprivileged kids. I think she's fully bought into her own materialist self-interested ambitious personality even if perhaps she wasn't always this way.

She's not my personal favourite, nor do I think she's the most lovable person ever but Felicia is the most fascinating character in my opinion.
I didn't argue about her being not interesting character but some point about her character and as always her fans not like the truth !
what can I say " Reality is often disappointing ".
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Active Member
Feb 20, 2021
If truth consider as a hate. I will gladly take that deal. While if she is so right be a husband of someone life Falice and then we will see, where the divorce come from or ruining life :cautious::FacePalm:

It's Quite clear you believe more in words then action of individual.
Your words : I feel like you didn't understand the portrayal of the characters at all. I think it's very clear by now that you completely hate Felicia, and that's fine because you're allowed to have feelings.
I : You are the one who is operating on felling.

About Character hate : When people face truth about the character they like they usually do what you are doing : They attack personal so they think they will win, Your words : ( I'm surprised. I feel like you didn't understand the portrayal of the characters at all, because you don't understand the character at all. )


You just want to see world in this game as Mc pov, that is painfully clear !
If someone wife is gonna whore herself out, would that husband like to get divorce or will you ?

I will rest my case with simple words : beta simp !

Trophy wife : trophy wife OR NOT If she had single innocent bone in her she would have chosen self respect over money(Like alway she didn't ! : A gold digger at best. )

1. I picked her purely on sex appeal : Thank you !
2. I really should make a "Super Nice Guy!" playthrough at some point and pick Rosalind (sorry Veronica but family > business...unless you're in the mob I guess). : Thank you !
3. Eh...I think you should probably put some quotes around "praise" up there. He may "love" her, but in the same way as it seems most of the douchebags in the game "love" the girls they're with. Let's just say he's a very self-centered, egomaniacal narcissistic individual. ...which could also be said about most of the douchebags (male and female) in the game. :

Are you sure these words can't be apply on felica too ! :whistle::censored:
You should leave this conversation. I mean he sound like a blue pill so there is no common sense for him.
Sep 9, 2021
All the rest but pretty much this, except she might be my favorite. Which is funny, considering i went down her low self-confidence path with little to no regrets and that she likely won't be my endgame. Like i said a few times now, i don't like her too much, too much materialism and self-bullshitting, but she's extremely interesting as a character, probably on par or even more so than the MC.
How can be low confidence she if getting deep throat in public :cautious: :WaitWhat:, Getting fucked in public toilet :cautious: :WaitWhat: and what she did while at her husband nearby ? Are you sure about low self-confidence ?


Engaged Member
Sep 3, 2017
Are you sure these words can't be apply on felica too ! :whistle::censored:
Eh, probably can be, to a point. She does actually seem to care about people though, so she's potentially redeemable I guess. Her way of going about things is kinda...let's call it skewed, I would assume mostly because of her surroundings. I'm not really defending her here, it's a "reason", not an "excuse".

How can be low confidence she if getting deep throat in public :cautious: :WaitWhat:, Getting fucked in public toilet :cautious: :WaitWhat: and what she did while at her husband nearby ? Are you sure about low self-confidence ?
Pretty sure it should be low self-esteem or self-worth rather than confidence.


Nov 19, 2017
How can be low confidence she if getting deep throat in public :cautious: :WaitWhat:, Getting fucked in public toilet :cautious: :WaitWhat: and what she did while at her husband nearby ? Are you sure about low self-confidence ?
I have confidence that i understand the story the author is going for, but i don't have confidence that i can get that through that thick skull of yours.

See how i can have confidence in some aspects while not in others? Same deal with Felicia.
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