VN - Ren'Py - Pale Carnations [Ch. 4 Up 4 Public] [Mutt & Jeff]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is off to a very promising start. Excellent writing, great renders, engaging characters, interesting story. Very excited to see where this one goes. The chance to interact with the various "Carnations" means the game has a lot of chances to go in very interesting ways. Highly recommend trying this out
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the art, love the story. It makes me keep wanting to play the game through again even when I know the outcome to all the decisions. I could just sit around and enjoy this game adult material aside. Definitely gonna keep an eye on these devs and support their work. Looking foreward to this games completion, and any futere projects they may have.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Everyone has pretty much already said what I was thinking about this game. The phenomenal Writing, the excellent characters, the unique HS Models, everything about this game is just amazing. There are few AVNs that come around and make you enjoy things you know you shouldn't, this game is one of them. Much like the character in-game, you the player will go through extreme, carnal situations. Situations that may be uncomfortable. Will you embrace or reject your baser urges? It's all up to you.

    In short. if you want a new game to play, and aren't afraid to explore themes that may have you question yourself. I highly recommend this Gem of a game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Other Devs take notes. If this dev ends up updating on a frequent basis this will be the best kink game ever made. If you're into vanilla there is only one girl and even she is getting D'd down by your friend. You know, just like real life there aren't many 20 to 30 something year old virgins. MC is also not a virgin or a creep. In fact, you pretty choose his traits in unique Skyrim/Mass Effect kind of way.

    - NTR is unavoidable although it totally makes sense for the PLOT.
    - Mom is involved in NTR and thats normally a No-Go for me but she's so sweet and well written I'll let it slide as long we get a chance to give her some REAL affection.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Chapter 2

    The quality of this work is amazing, the writing beautiful and emotionally heavy at times; making you actually care for the characters and every line of text that is delivered to you. The fresh air of change from vanilla oriented games, at this quality level, is a rare sight, but a highly welcome one.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Version 0.2:

    Normally I wait until at least the 0.3 version, but this game has so much content in its first two updates, you can already say something about it.

    For a HS (I guess from the look) game it looks really good, the girls offer something for almost every taste and all have character.

    The story is interesting and solidly built and unfolds with a pleasant pace. The writing style is solid and I only noticed a few spelling mistakes.

    I'm not sure how much the choices will have an effect, but at least when you play the first game they feel good enough so far. It remains to be seen whether they will have a stronger or weaker effect as the game progresses.

    Overall this is a really good game and feels well thought out and executed. I am looking forward to the next update.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really great.
    Bad thing first :The only bug i found was 2 times in text names was wrong but was in 2-way discussion so i could tell that the other person talked.

    Good is everything :)
    I dont know how to do rating messages so apologies if is weirdly formatted .
    I usually get the idea of the plot and skip thru a lot of dialogues.
    However seeing the comments made me actually try understanding the story.
    So im saying this to let anyone know, the story is amazing, the way we are presented with people and their thinking seems natural for some reason.
    The story flows so good and it has appointed days and events in advance, said by the characters . Its like established and planned by the author and you you have an idea how the story goes.But is interesting cuz u dont understand what is to come . It is such a fine line of telling you what the situation is and what is going on and still put you in position to change stuff around by your decision and how you want to behave in the situation presented.
    A lot of opportunities to do the "deed" . Many images too. Great content.
    The game is supposed to be "young" but has so much content already, and even more the choices matter already.You can find different interactions with the characters and how they perceive you, i do not know where it all leads in the end but it already gave me a desire to want to have multiple saves for the actions i can do with different people.
    Is just like reality, you can choose your actions and who you are spending your time with, and you see result of that.
    Im sry if i sound like i play for first time such game, it just came so nicely to me.
    The renders are good , i feel like they can improve but no complaint of anything bad.I like the effort put on the girls body and esp expressions they make sometimes , feels nice.
    The writing is kind of the same story i think(?),the story specific for writing and how the interactions are, is quite realistic.
    That more, i found myself reflecting on the situation given and trying to think of my morales and what i think of whats going on( just like the main guy).
    There is a replay section too, which is great to have.
    A lot of music too, there is a list and like a player thingy you can use to listen to .
    As conclusion: I recommend playing this game, is great experience. If it keeps going this way is gonna be a masterpiece !
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Man, people keep saying that the writing is excellent, and they're not wrong. This is the kind of game I could play even when I'm not horny, the characters are detailed and varied and the models look great (though maybe some work could be done on Veronica's abs if I'm going to be a real stickler).

    I honestly love this game, I don't know if I could write better myself, and that is what I pride myself on.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game, with huge updates and nice moving story. Nothing like I've seen anywhere else. I'd say the only the quality of pictures is a bit low.
    I hope developers could keep the same pace.
    Thank you!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Wanted to Thank You, guys for sharing this game with us. I spent about 4-5 hours playing it, and i get so much pleasure. At the beginning, to be honest i was sceptic about this game - because this type of renders not in my taste range. But 10 minutes later after beginning i i was completely involved in it. Superb story and gameplay. Very interesting, subtle, and various characters. Thank You very much! Wish You to finish this project and evth You planned. You're extremely good it it
    The Best and Warmest Regards,
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a perfect example of how really good writing can elevate a really good game to a GREAT game. Even without the immersive story and character building / development, I would probably rank this game fairly high, due to the gorgeous renders, way above average HS models I think. However this game has a story that grows on you. My opinions of the characters changed universally thanks to the character building. I started off (as most probably do) really only liking Mina and Hana. But after interacting more with the other girls (mostly Felicia, and even Veronica) I have to admit I like them as well. That for me is the sign of a good story, when I become emotionally involved in the characters. This game is in my top 5 on F95. I friggan love it!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm going to try and keep this simple and sweet but over anything else, I want to encourage people on the fence to try this game!

    The biggest con I want to say right up front for me - to get it out of the way - was first seeing the male protagonist, because I have seen him in other games so I initially groaned at this discovery. And most other games I have played with this same male were games I would rather forget for the most part so I already had some negative associations with his face so to speak. I'm also a female, so all things being equal, I'd like the male character to be really hot! (he's...ok...the dev used the word passable in the game...that's the perfect word)

    But I quickly turned around on the game. Why?

    The writing and atmosphere really sucked me in, and in particular, the characters appear to have very thought out and delineated personalities and narrative arcs planned for the game. I love protagonists that have to deal with choices that deal with real inner conflict and one's own morality. This is very much the case here with a protagonist that initially is a classic fish out of water and he finds himself in a new and unfamiliar environment where all of a sudden certain degrees of power are readily available. What would one do in this kind of environment? Give in to one's baser desires and go all in with this new reality? Or perhaps walk off into the sunset at the end with one true love? Or so many possibilities between that?

    The two updates are HUGE. Like 3700 images! Seriously, how many devs working on a game for 1...2...YEARS don't have this much content. I think the girls look great, I am pretty sure men will agree with my assessment on this one. There are lot of choices that have real impact and different scenes so you can play it again and see what you missed.

    I'm not totally into some of the sex scenes that I predict are coming, but I think a particular scene with the protagonist and four females will make a lot of men happy. ;)

    From my perspective, my favorite sex scene was the male in a bathroom err picking up a women with great force and being a little strong, I don't mind that, hee hee.

    I'm really not great at writing reviews as I overthink everything, so let me just boil it down to saying that this is one of my favorite games on this site, and this is coming from a woman who really wouldn't necessarily be into the fetishes in this game so easily. I hope people try it, that's it!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I have only a vague idea what this game is about, but the graphics are outstanding. It' s a nice combo of quickies and slow burns. All the characters are busty and beautiful. The creator has good taste and I highly recommend this one based on the graphics alone - definitely get the mod.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Very impressive first release. Great writing, good and varied characters, nice overall art design, very well done GUI -- including things like transition screens (something that tend to not be a thing, but I feel I have to mention here) and some nice sex scenes. Though the threesome scene was pretty disappointing. Then again, it did show that characters have some personality. So on that front I felt it was well done.
    Ah, almost for got to mention that there is an impressive amount of content for a first release. It's not some half baked demo, simply to check for interest. It's a real (and beefy) first chapter.

    One of things I liked less -- though still wasn't bad by any means -- was some the character design. The game uses the same software as 34236 other games, so the models also look very similar. It's also pretty clear that the authors love BIG boobs.
    Overall, I'd say that character design is still good, though not very special and in quality a bit below some of the other things this game has to offer.

    Another things I didn't really like, was how at some point the game takes away a lot of agency from the player -- and even the MC. Now I like myself a humiliation/submission scene, but in the second part of the game, you as the player are pretty much just the audience; looking at scene after scene. While the scenes were great, pretty much non of it had much to do with the MC. And sure, it's more realistic that not EVERYTHING happens to the MC and EVERYTHING has the MC involved. But still... I felt it was a bit poorly paced and just to much content that doesn't really involve the MC/the player.
    In the first half of the game, I also felt the story was going more towards where the girls would be scenes like that (maybe even in the background), and the MC would interact with them in between those events and/or prepare them for what's to come. Not just straight: you're hired. Now go sit down and watch.

    But again: overal a great game -- or maybe I should say 'visual novel' instead. In my opinion one of the better ones on this site
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A very well-made adult VN that is focusing on some sensitive adult themes and even if your not interested in some of them the game is very well worth checking out just for the sheer quality and competence it is made with.

    The dialogue and story are well written with a wide variety of dialogue choices some of which alter scenes and events as well as relationships with a very interesting and compelling cast of characters. The visuals are excellent with distinct and good-looking characters as well as set pieces and plenty of well visualized and written sexual content.

    Overall a very good start for the game and it shows a lot of promise.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    For a first version this has got to be the closest to perfect I've ever seen.

    Hell, it's even got a decently entertaining story and characters. The script, visuals and renders really are just seamless. Music and sounds effects are good too.

    Really not much to say other that this hopefully picks up in popularity and support, they've got my contribution.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Pale Carnations is a Japanese h-game inspired non-Japanese non-anime game. You take on the role of MC, who finds his way into a job at a...umm...talent agency due to his friendship with his rich friend who already lives there.

    Your role becomes to evaluate talent and help them'll find out.

    MC is a neutral good character who you can make more debaucherous if you so choose. There are simple story tree elements, proceeding down one path can cut off other paths --- it is not a free for all "unlock all CG in one play" game. I can't speak for the devs, but it seems to have been storyboarded from end to beginning already --- an advantage of having someone who exclusively does the writing.

    Usually in these kinds of games I skip a lot of dialogue. In Pale Carnations, I am actually interested in what most people have to say and rarely skip --- another reflection of having a person solely focused on the writing / storyboarding /pathing.

    This was a great alpha release, and the the reason why I became a patron! Give it try and see if you like it!
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1044747


    The good
    • Cinematic narrative and presentation (camera angles, scene transitions, etc.)
    • Good choice of music and sound effects
    • MC customisation (character traits, stats)
    • Distinct choices and routes
    • Good writing (characters, dialogue & scenes, proper English)
    • Hot lewd scenes
    • Some humorous moments
    • Already a good amount of content
    • Unobtrusive text box with good readability
    • Character profiles
    • Phone (messages)

    The so-so
    • Decent renders with a lot of attention to detail, but also some dated looking models / assets.
    • Sometimes rough transitions between consecutive renders
    • 2-render "animations"
    • Interesting, but also exaggerated and almost caricatural characters, which makes it hard to really care for them (even the MC).
    • Story / setting is alright, but couldn't really captivate me.

    The improvable
    • Cliché "nerd with monster cock" MC
    • Giant boobs syndrome, which spoiled even one of the more attractive girls (Felicia) for me.
    • At times pretty dark & repulsive (humiliation, women being depicted as mere sex toys / sluts and taken advantage of).
    • Some choices don't seem to make sense (if you take advantage of Rose, she will dislike you, but if you don't, she will ask why you didn't - girl, make up your mind!)
    • Continuity / scripting errors (even if you didn't talk to Mina at the club, the MC will still say "She told me to go away").
    • No "rollback side" option
    • Obtrusive ornate UI elements
    • Typos

    The creators of Pale Carnations show a good sense for cinematic style - it almost feels like watching a movie.
    The writing is also pretty neat with well written characters, dialogues and (lewd) scenes.
    Unfortunately, setting and (overarching) story didn't really appeal to me.
    Still, a well made visual novel which you'll probably enjoy more if you are into dark and depraved stuff like humiliation.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm really not a big fan of this game. Prostitution, BDSM, humiliation and bad ending stuffs are just not my things.
    Nevertheless I can say Pale Carnations ia a real masterpiece.
    Gil's rendering is unique and every heroine is really attractive. Animated secens are smooth and great too. I just hope to see some POV H scenes.
    TD's writing is exceptional. Although I'm not into main fetishes of the game, great characters and story made me absorbed in the game.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Chapter 1.

    An observation off the bat. I get the distinct feeling this is a japanese game translated to english. Or the dev is a lot into jav porn. The fetishizing of the food, the wife ntr aspect, the choice of language in a few scenes, they all point to an eastern point of view. It reminds me of Ochiru Hitozuma, to be honest.

    Anyway, the graphics are quite good, easily comparable to some of the best games I've played.
    The story is somewhat original, it's a corruption VN with a twist, maybe unique among western games, but quite a few jav games have similar plots. That's not to say it's not interesting, it allows for a lot of leeway when it comes to kinks and characters, while also being believable.
    But by far the appeal is the writing. Thought out, enhancing the scenes instead of hobbling them, other devs should take lessons from this game. I could've appreciated a bit more descriptions of the character's inner monologue, since it is all about a dom-sub relationship, but this is just nitpicking at this point.
    The sounds are ok, although I never play porn games with music and the audio aspect is pretty low on my list of priorities when it comes to a game.
    The amount of content for a first release is astounding. In a scene where everyone releases games with a menu and 2 pictures, it is a breath of fresh air.
    I'm going to watch this game. I was debating giving it 5 stars just to differentiate it from other games, but 5 stars is reserved for very good, complete games. This will earn it once it's completed, I'm sure of it.