
Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
I feel that if he thinks Kathleen is going too far, he wouldn't hesitate to pour her into an office building foundation lol
No, we are in "Baltimore", close to the sea. I think Chuck would buy Kath some special Manolo Blanic shoes with concrete increased stability below the waves on the sea floor.;)
  • Haha
Reactions: BrockLanders


Dec 29, 2017
Edwin doesn't look upon Victoria as an object of desire, but as the reminder of his desired objective.
Love this line, it's a great sum up of your post.

I am rearranging it a bit for my replies and i hope i don't distort the essence of it by doing this.
He holds his mother up as an example of someone who has sacrificed everything for the good of her family, so it would be his greatest betrayal to her if he became a slave to his most base sociopathic tendencies... not incest, but apathy. And he feels a sense of self-worth and fidelity towards his mother because of everything she's given to him.
That being said... incest makes absolutely no sense in the context of this story. Pale Carnations simply hasn't been written in a way that defends a character turn like that. In his own fucked-up way, Edwin viewing her films has desexualized her in his eyes. If he hadn't, he wouldn't be jerking off to elf porn and what have you. He'd be using her films.
Absolutely agree with this.
No, Mrs. Pullman's path does not "point towards Victoria becoming involved"... that's just projection. She's using Freud to play a cruel joke on him using Rose. She has made no effort to do more than use Rose as an analogue. Even at her most heinously manipulative, she's constantly rebuked by her misgivings about his true personality.
Kathleen is still trying to figure out Edwin, trying to find ways to push his buttons, which is a semi-random process based on her educated guesses about him. She loves to play cruelly with people, like a cat plays with it's prey, that's one part of her motivation, but the other, perhaps bigger part is, that she senses a kindred spirit in him.
Her attraction, the reason why she is drawn to Edwin, consists of the rare possibility to finally find a partner-in-crime / ally / friend / lover, someone who understands her on an emotional level, which is something she sorely lacked her whole life. Everyone she met so far, to whom she showed her sadistic side may have understood this rationally, but noone was able to really comprehend that and connect with her desire.
If and how this plays out is still to be seen, however i believe Kathleen is aware and/or afraid of her advances towards Edwin could fail. Victoria is the main obstacle on this path for her, but her influence on Edwin is still way stronger than than Kathleens, so she can't oppose Victoria openly and instead tries to reaffirm Edwin that by following her path he will not alienate his mother and loose her love.
Kathleen and Victoria are opponents in an undeclared war over Edwins soul, so to speak, and i won't rule out, on the contrary i am pretty sure, that Kathleen will target Victoria out of spite if she is about to loose or has lost the war. And if she will win Edwin over to her side she will probably also target his mother in an attempt to damage their bond beyond repair.
So imho, if we try to keep Victoria out of harms way it's probably best not to raise Kathleens interest in Edwin too much, but instead keep a professional and friendly distance.
I have also outlined my reasoning in my post "Why Victoria will have sex-scenes" so take a look there if you are interested.
In my playthrough i went full into this mess, with among all of the NPCs having only Kathleens affection maxed out, despite i (and MyEdwin) resent her the most. MyEdwin oscillates heavily between those two poles, with on the one side trying to get on Kathleens good side and gain her trust, and on the other side always calling Victoria after the exhibitions and even spending the night at home. I am looking forward to how this drama will play out:
(...) the general idea my playthrough is based on, would be to try some kind of 'undercover- /double-agent' thing in which i'll try to destroy the club from within, with the very real risk of failing completely and pathetically.

And end up as Kathleens plaything and watchdog, overseeing the shared gangbang of Hana, Mina and Victoria between the club members, while Rosie is milked in an industrial grade mechanical milker and Feli tries to stretch her asshole with a horsedick dildo. Veronica can play the human toilet for all he cares then.
Very bleak, i try to avoid that.
He's not truly an unredeemable sociopath... his mother's crying at the table and feeling at a complete loss of options on how to raise him... her guilt at feeling her failure as a mother... her fear of losing the house she vowed to keep... and at that point she most likely already was making adult films so she probably felt worthless- as if she shattered her mores and motherhood for nothing. He understood her emotion and empathized. He made a pact with himself. (...) Sometimes, we keep mementos or delve into memories as reminders of why we've set our goals for ourselves.

Once we see his behavior and how he doesn't view her as a sex object, we could conclude it would be utterly ridiculous and juvenile to now ruin years of character development in order to project an incestual fantasy into this brilliant storyline. It doesn't play here. (...)

(...) Kathleen's obsession with playing with an assumed Freudian complex of Edwin's is much, much juicier. Especially when we know she's wrong about Edwin's intentions. (...)
Just brilliant.
Again some really great paragraphs, especially the first one.

However, and i try not to advocate for incest here, because this is by now totally and irrefutably put to rest, i am wondering about a possible revenge scenario and i want to preface it with a thought about what is incest and for whom.

Consider a predatory father, and in real life i would assume this is the most prevalent one, who is sexually attracted to his daughter. Let's not burden this with pedophilia, so let's say she is already post-puberty, and his craving is not reciprocated by his daughter, however he coerces her by blackmail, violence, drugs or even gets her 'consent' by manipulation, money or any other measure a sexual predator would use, into performing a sort of sexual activity.
I would argue the incest in this scenario is very one sided, opposed to let's say a brother-sister couple who enter a sexual relationship based on their attraction to each other. In reality, whereas this sexual activity may satisfy the incest kink of the father, it's plain rape for the unwilling and sexual abuse of a daughter who had 'consented'.

So if we apply above methods to a coupling in which both participants are neither sexually attracted nor really consenting, can we still call it incest? Like a sadistic soldier forcing a mother to perform (lapdance, HJ, BJ, you name it) with her son at gunpoint? For his pleasure only?
I would say no.
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Dec 29, 2017
I uninstalled for space
Heresy! I am currently sporting three different updates on my small harddrive as you should do too! ;)
While Kathleen and Chuck both seem below this doctor in respectability, it seems we've reached a limit to Kathleen's influence. The club, the Foundation, and what little her judge husband can provide in his semi-retired, doddering state.
Again, i am totally in line of your assessment of Kathleens power and influence, of all three senior owners, she is objectively the weakest (at least at the moment).
But Chuck... we find he's prone to overlook the house girl's mistreatment by club members. He has a propensity to make casual (almost friendly) veiled threats towards Kathleen.

And what scares me most of all... you can go back to the bar (before the second show?? can't remember) and meet the guy with the ponytail but I can't recall his name... he's friendly with Warren... and some bigshot that you overhear talking together about that doctor righteously distributing a treatment in Africa without using nefarious channels to steal profit (those two guys in the lobby that notice you eavesdropping) ... those guys run a huge weapons manufacturing conglomerate... and Uncle Chuck designed a missile (iirc) for those guys!!! I would never cross Chuck. I feel that if he thinks Kathleen is going too far, he wouldn't hesitate to pour her into an office building foundation lol
'Uncle' Chuck's power can be easily overlooked, because he hides his influence very well, concealing it with his boisterous "I am just an old pervert living his dream, don't mind me!" simulacrum and up until ch3upd3 i was also not really aware of it.
The hints were already there, spread far and between the updates, like his casual belittling of Kathleen as "the same girl as she was thirty years ago" (i can't find the scene right now) or your already mentioned barely veiled threat friendly advice.
The scene which tipped the tide against him for me was (another scene i can't find atm) Dahlias dread for 'Uncle' Chuck, because this girl knows things.
I plan to finally play the latest update from the beginning this weekend, because i just took a short glimpse on it after it went finally public.
And after this i am looking forward to all those reviews i avoided since the update leaked 3 weeks ago. Didn't want to spoiler me.


Apr 27, 2018
June 14th is complete. If you're not on Hana's path, it will be a pretty brief day.
I understand. However from the walkthrough, there's supposed to be a part where there's a short encounter with Mina and I get to make two choices in which one involves telling Mina about the date with Hana. The event should be made possible by the fact that I chose Mina to go to after week 2's exhibition.

Likewise, there was supposed to be some content after selecting Victoria as the person to visit.

Unless the walkthrough is mistaken?

You can see the attachment in my previous post.


Aug 8, 2020
If and how this plays out is still to be seen, however i believe Kathleen is aware and/or afraid of her advances towards Edwin could fail. Victoria is the main obstacle on this path for her, but her influence on Edwin is still way stronger than than Kathleens, so she can't oppose Victoria openly and instead tries to reaffirm Edwin that by following her path he will not alienate his mother and loose her love.
I mostly agree... I believe Mrs. Pullman stated in conversation that Edwin's biggest obstacle preventing him from giving himself over to his sadistic desires (her motive that we can agree on) is his tendency towards introspection. I don't think it's Victoria being the impediment as much as it is his overall perception of women being colored positively by her in his past... no matter their choices. And Mrs. Pullman is now surrounding him with women who have made similar choices (hoping to gloss over the coercive framework she directs) but instead of reinforcing his introspective empathy, she is trying to show that they are undeserving of it and it is 'misplaced' in the hopes that he will then reassess his loyalty towards his mother. We might concede that Victoria is more of a symbol of the obstacle Mrs. Pullman faces obscuring her goal of creating a sadistic padawan.
I have also outlined my reasoning in my post "Why Victoria will have sex-scenes" so take a look there if you are interested.
Good stuff there. I wonder what Mrs. Pullman could blackmail Victoria with to make her become a participant if Victoria seems quite financially stable. Then, Edwin already knows about her porn, and Edwin can just out Kathleen in defense of his mother what with all the information he knows about the club. Her biggest obstacle here may very well be Uncle Chuck not even letting it all get to that point.
In my playthrough i went full into this mess, with among all of the NPCs having only Kathleens affection maxed out, despite i (and MyEdwin) resent her the most. MyEdwin oscillates heavily between those two poles, with on the one side trying to get on Kathleens good side and gain her trust, and on the other side always calling Victoria after the exhibitions and even spending the night at home. I am looking forward to how this drama will play out:
I have 10 playthroughs including single focus on each Carnation, a Hana/Mina/Felicia Hail Mary, a sadistic Kathleen positive run, a Kathleen + Full Deal run, a Killian bromance run where I'm an utter ass, a Hana run, a run where I creampied Hana (hmm), a Mina run, and my myEdwin first run where I ended up dating Hana and now, I'm worried about bringing up Mina's list to her... my exhibition performance has been slightly disappointing to Mrs. Pullman as I would expect if I were in that situation. I also borrowed the money for Rose from Felicia. Oof. I agree, I really, really look forward to these unanswered questions and I'm sure I won't be disappointed in being proven wrong to any degree!
However, and i try not to advocate for incest here, because this is by now totally and irrefutably put to rest, i am wondering about a possible revenge scenario and i want to preface it with a thought about what is incest and for whom.
I get where you're coming from here... against his will, at the pleasure of Mrs. Pullman and the club. Again, Uncle Chuck would be the biggest impediment here. There are so many wheels to turn to make it happen, but I see where you are taking me.

I also believe that if it ever came to that before a forced and public incestual display... Edwin would look at Mrs. Pullman, and then at Victoria ("Edwin please, I sense the good in you.") ... and back to Mrs. Pullman... and then he would pick Kathleen up and raise her over his head like an Olympic weightlifter. Edwin would be shocked severely by Mrs. Pullman's remote collar and giant powered dildos- her fingertips arcing lightning and dropping anal toys on the floor around her... but Edwin would find the strength to walk out of the exhibition hall and hurl her down the utility cooling shaft to her supposed death... arcs of electricity grounding against him and the walls as she fell into the nothing. Wheezing and quickly losing the will to go on, Edwin would collapse shortly afterwards... Hana would find him as they evacuated the club and pull him by his giant erection to safety. She would take off his glasses and Edwin would look upon Hana with his own eyes and say, "you were right, tell your mother... you were riiiiiiiiiight." And we the collective readers would fucking cry our eyes out with our dicks in our hands while many of us exclaimed, "not MY mother!" And Edwin dies, his dick unsoiled by his mom's hawt vaj juices.

And this is why I have no talent for this. XD
Heresy! I am currently sporting three different updates on my small harddrive as you should do too! ;)
Screenshot 2022-11-04 194236.png
I have a Ryzen 3 based 240GB smut lappy that has a gigantic depravity well made up of pretty much everything I've ever wanted to keep around. No more rooooooooooooom.
I plan to finally play the latest update from the beginning this weekend, because i just took a short glimpse on it after it went finally public.
And after this i am looking forward to all those reviews i avoided since the update leaked 3 weeks ago. Didn't want to spoiler me.
You are going to have so much goddamn fun. This Hana update makes 9 1/2 Weeks look like Green Eggs & Ham.


Game Developer
Dec 8, 2017
I understand. However from the walkthrough, there's supposed to be a part where there's a short encounter with Mina and I get to make two choices in which one involves telling Mina about the date with Hana. The event should be made possible by the fact that I chose Mina to go to after week 2's exhibition.

Likewise, there was supposed to be some content after selecting Victoria as the person to visit.

Unless the walkthrough is mistaken?

You can see the attachment in my previous post.
Aye, this update has 4 distinct openings, dependant on who you go to at the end of exhibition 2. You say you selected Mina, but then which opening are you getting? Are you using any mods?


Dec 29, 2017
We might concede that Victoria is more of a symbol of the obstacle Mrs. Pullman faces obscuring her goal of creating a sadistic padawan.
Personally i do believe, that Victoria is more than just a symbol of an obstacle to Kathleens goal. There a quite a few encounters and conversations between Edwin and Kathleen which provided her already a good, yet perhaps still incomplete picture of the tremendous influence Victoria has on her son and subsequently his views. Don't forget Victoria and Kathleen had also an extensive chat about her lovely son, a move Edwin wasn't very fond of.
A padawan can only follow one master, there is no room for a second one.
I wonder what Mrs. Pullman could blackmail Victoria with to make her become a participant if Victoria seems quite financially stable.
We established that Kathleen is the weakest of those three owners. But she is by no means powerless, and her strength is primarily her connections with the respectable and morally upright part of the higher society. Running the exhibitions and managing HR at the club is kind of her side-gig, first and foremost she presents herself as a devout and loving wife of a respected (ex-)judge and CEO of a big charity fund.

Victorias greatest weakness is her reputation, which can be shattered more than easily, and i wouldn't also underestimate the frailty of her financial situation.
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Since Victoria doesn't strike me as incompetent, lazy or unmotivated we can likely blame those many job changes to either the discovery of her porn past by her employers, which is often not kindly looked at, or the spread of rumours about her past by her fellow co-workers which ultimately led to her dismissal by her employers or her own resignation.
It looks like those rumours and discoveries just relatively recently faded away, but can be stirred up obviously very fast again.

The other aspect would be Edwins education which costs an insane amount of money. It's pretty clear that Victoria hasn't payed into a college fund for Edwin in the last twenty years, and like a lot of mothers she may feel obligated to contribute to her childrens livelihood. Of course Edwin wouldn't take direct payments from her, but mothers tend to find ways to support their sons for the flimsiest of reasons. Like buying socks and underwear or stacking the fridge with food or washing their laundry. All those things aren't free, they cost money.

So threatening her current job situation could concern Victoria enough to cave into Kathleens demands.
Kathleen could also directly take this next step, orchestrating for Victoria to loose her current job and after that using her tried and true Eden Relief Fund charity. She could use stooges for it and present herself as a saviour.

Since she is Edwins boss, she could also threaten Victoria with Edwins dismissal, "as we can't allow our respectable establishment to be tarnished by the likes of you." (lol)

The second viable path could be of course to threaten her to expose her past to Edwin or Ian or the Beauforts, which could scare Victoria enough to submit. Because Vicky doesn't know that Edwin already is aware and may also be afraid to damage her relation to Ian.

A third angle of attack could be perhaps over Vickys dating app, sending a henchman into her house to create some kind of disruption.

Kathleens also doesn't necessarily have to involve the club to this, why not pull some degrading shit off in Vickys own home?
Strikes me as even more fitting for her.
I dunno, i am confident that Kathleen can find alot better ways to pull this off, since she is a professional in it for many years now.


Apr 27, 2018
Aye, this update has 4 distinct openings, dependant on who you go to at the end of exhibition 2. You say you selected Mina, but then which opening are you getting? Are you using any mods?
I'm using the walkthrough mod while referring to the walkthrough in the OP. The only thing I've done with the cheats is to get points I would have otherwise missed by selecting another option. I've replayed the whole game from scratch to see if I missed out on anything. I get full Hana content if I invite Veronica back home. However, I go to Mina's or Victoria's, the update ends immediately after the short stay there.

I've attached my saves for reference. The following are the keypoints for the respective saves.
1Vero route, Hana GF
2Week 2 after exhibition split with Mina
3Vero route, Hana fuck buddies
4Vero route, Mina & Hana two timing
5Vero route, Mina casual lover, Hana fuck buddies

Really appreciate your help on this :)


Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
However, and i try not to advocate for incest here, because this is by now totally and irrefutably put to rest, i am wondering about a possible revenge scenario and i want to preface it with a thought about what is incest and for whom.

Consider a predatory father, and in real life i would assume this is the most prevalent one, who is sexually attracted to his daughter. Let's not burden this with pedophilia, so let's say she is already post-puberty, and his craving is not reciprocated by his daughter, however he coerces her by blackmail, violence, drugs or even gets her 'consent' by manipulation, money or any other measure a sexual predator would use, into performing a sort of sexual activity.
I would argue the incest in this scenario is very one sided, opposed to let's say a brother-sister couple who enter a sexual relationship based on their attraction to each other. In reality, whereas this sexual activity may satisfy the incest kink of the father, it's plain rape for the unwilling and sexual abuse of a daughter who had 'consented'.

So if we apply above methods to a coupling in which both participants are neither sexually attracted nor really consenting, can we still call it incest? Like a sadistic soldier forcing a mother to perform (lapdance, HJ, BJ, you name it) with her son at gunpoint? For his pleasure only?
I would say no.
Hi selberdreher !
While it was not my main focus, I have some criminalistic studies under my belt. And it might be some years since that time, but I am sure the raw generalities have not changed much in the meantime.
The predatory father in your scenario above is the most common type of offender there by a margin. A smaller, but significant group are the "seducers", who work more via manipulation and seduction. The smallest group are the fathers running in open doors because the daughters are receptive to the advances or even sometimes sent out signals of their own.
But the margin by which the "predators" outnumber the other two is thought to be smaller than seen on first look. The number of cases where the "seducers" due to their methods are never found out is higher than with the "predators".

Not to speak of the cases where father and daughter consensually hop into bed together. Here the cases coming out are only those with bad luck or circumstances. The dark figure on consensual father-daughter cases is estimated to be higher than many people think. Small seen on the whole, but more common than often thought.
That´s just as some info.

But no matter if we have fully criminal cases or consensual cases of father-daughter, mom-son or brother-sister for PC this is not relevant, we agree on this. Victoria´s role is more a kind of story device, she is an anchor and part rolemodel for Edwin.


Game Developer
Dec 8, 2017
Really appreciate your help on this :)
The save in front of Veronica worked for me as intended. Mina night went to Mina morning, Victoria night went to Victoria morning, and so on and so on. I suspect your issue might be owed to the walkthrough mod. I would recommend trying a fresh extraction of the game with all the original scripts in tact, and see if that solves the problem.


Dec 29, 2017
The predatory father in your scenario above is the most common type of offender there by a margin. A smaller, but significant group are the "seducers", who work more via manipulation and seduction.
Yeah, i kinda threw them together, with the "seducers" using the 'softer' approaches, whereas the "predators" are using some kind of force. Since incest is a criminal offense in our country i tried to outline what i was 'feeling' (because i am not a law professional) would be considered as incest in our society and especially in jurisprudence.

Turns out i was half-correct:
the overpowering majority of those cases would be indeed prosecuted by other penal norms than §173 (the incest paragraph) which is interestingly placed in section §169 to §173, covering felonies against family, marriage and marital status. Other felonies mentioned in that particular section are e.g. polygamy or withholding child support.
Infact there are such few cases of incest prosecuted there isn't even a statistic for it. So one may think 'oh, there isn't much incest happening then?' Well, no and yes.
Legally most cases would be prosecuted by norms covered in section §174 to §184 which is labelled "Felonies against the right of sexual self-determination" and includes felonies like child-abuse, rape, sexual harassment, forced prostitution and the like.
Practically for every case in which one party couldn't consent, was too young to consent or was coerced/manipulated to 'consent'.

Ok, so which sexual actions between blood-related family members are legally recognized as incest and punishable by law then?
This is the part where my feeling and probably also societal expectations likely diverge from the legal view:
basically only heterosexual, vaginal intercourse between siblings, children and parents and grandchildren and grandparents is considered incest and punishable by §173. And if both participants are under the age of 18 it's considered incest but not punishable.

Fucking your cousin or niece? safe, if consensual and the pertinent age restrictions are respected.
Fucking your daddy in his arsehole? safe, if consensual and the pertinent age restrictions are respected.
Mommy scissoring her daughter? safe, if consensual and the pertinent age restrictions are respected.
Daddy getting a nice sloppy blowjob from his daughter? safe, if consensual and the pertinent age restrictions are respected.
Mommy helps her son to relief stress with her DDD boobs? safe, if consensual and the pertinent age restrictions are respected.
20 yo sister and 16yo brother try the 69? safe, if consensual
15 yo old brother deflorates his 14 yo sister? technically forbidden, but not punishable if she has consented

Welcome to germany! :whistle::cool:


Apr 27, 2018
The save in front of Veronica worked for me as intended. Mina night went to Mina morning, Victoria night went to Victoria morning, and so on and so on. I suspect your issue might be owed to the walkthrough mod. I would recommend trying a fresh extraction of the game with all the original scripts in tact, and see if that solves the problem.
Noted, thanks a lot! This is the first time a walkthrough mod has ever done this to me.


Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
Yeah, i kinda threw them together, with the "seducers" using the 'softer' approaches, whereas the "predators" are using some kind of force. Since incest is a criminal offense in our country i tried to outline what i was 'feeling' (because i am not a law professional) would be considered as incest in our society and especially in jurisprudence.

Turns out i was half-correct:
the overpowering majority of those cases would be indeed prosecuted by other penal norms than §173 (the incest paragraph) which is interestingly placed in section §169 to §173, covering felonies against family, marriage and marital status. Other felonies mentioned in that particular section are e.g. polygamy or withholding child support.
Infact there are such few cases of incest prosecuted there isn't even a statistic for it. So one may think 'oh, there isn't much incest happening then?' Well, no and yes.
Legally most cases would be prosecuted by norms covered in section §174 to §184 which is labelled "Felonies against the right of sexual self-determination" and includes felonies like child-abuse, rape, sexual harassment, forced prostitution and the like.
Practically for every case in which one party couldn't consent, was too young to consent or was coerced/manipulated to 'consent'.

Ok, so which sexual actions between blood-related family members are legally recognized as incest and punishable by law then?
This is the part where my feeling and probably also societal expectations likely diverge from the legal view:
basically only heterosexual, vaginal intercourse between siblings, children and parents and grandchildren and grandparents is considered incest and punishable by §173. And if both participants are under the age of 18 it's considered incest but not punishable.

Fucking your cousin or niece? safe, if consensual and the pertinent age restrictions are respected.
Fucking your daddy in his arsehole? safe, if consensual and the pertinent age restrictions are respected.
Mommy scissoring her daughter? safe, if consensual and the pertinent age restrictions are respected.
Daddy getting a nice sloppy blowjob from his daughter? safe, if consensual and the pertinent age restrictions are respected.
Mommy helps her son to relief stress with her DDD boobs? safe, if consensual and the pertinent age restrictions are respected.
20 yo sister and 16yo brother try the 69? safe, if consensual
15 yo old brother deflorates his 14 yo sister? technically forbidden, but not punishable if she has consented

Welcome to germany! :whistle::cool:
Welcome to the world of the German Civil Law, a major branch variant of the Civil Law Systems! Based on old Roman law, old Germanic law and a truckload of own inventions and innovations over time, it is the law foundation of many European countries, former colonies (like in the case of Portugal), Asia minor (Turkey) and East Asia (Japan, South Korea and Taiwan).
Part of the package is that most things are codified, you can always look up your rights, duties, liberties and penalties. At least the basics, some law forms are extremly complex (like everywhere) and need lawyers to navigate through safely.

The situation around the §173-184ff. is not overly complex, but have their nuances. That only full vaginal intercourse counts for §173 is because of the possibility of children sired. For instance giving your 20 years old daughter a consensual, thorough muffdive cannot impregnate her, so not very much a problem from the law side.
The "Incest-paragraph" 173 features so rarely in the statistics not because the act is so rare, but because of the dark figures (never caught) and the typical precedure if caught. §173 is seen as consensual deeds, since the law would hit you with other laws like abuse, coercion, rape, etc. first if that were the case. Typically §173 offences end with admittance of the deed, no public audience if they admit, a normally rather low penalty and that is the end of it. Since then there is a solution found before the judge had to rule, they do not count as "full" cases in the statistics.
But not everything is "so lax". For instance, the prosecution can hit you with "abuse of wards" even if consensual and no age restrictions applying, depending on the situation. But as one can imagine that is for when sired children come into the mix or other offences. That is a very rough summary, there is more to it, but functioning as a general overview.
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Dec 29, 2017
Welcome to the world of the German Civil Law, a major branch variant of the Civil Law Systems!
You meant german Penal Law (StGB) instead Civil Law which is covered by the BGB. :geek:

And yes, i am aware of those restrictions around the age of consent, those restrictions about if one party is dependent on the other party (wards and custody and parentship), this was my reason why i haven't specified e.g. the boobjob from mommy with an age: if both are over 18 it's legal for sure, but i think even giving a boobjob to a 16 yo son could be legal under certain conditions.
But i didn't wanted to delve to deep in those intricate specifics.
Basically if it's not consensual it's not incest, but something else (child-abuse, rape etc.) and if it's consensual it's also mostly not incest, except for a very specific sexual activity.

My main point was simply the surprisingly narrow definition of what is incest from a german penal law perspective. :D


Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
You meant german Penal Law (StGB) instead Civil Law which is covered by the BGB. :geek:
That´s "translation at work", I know that it is the StGB penal law, but in English the whole law complex is called German Civil Law. Which in this case is used to divide it from Common Law systems, Civil Law can be Zivilrecht, but also the the name for the whole Rechtssystem. I should have used "Deutscher Rechtskreis"(German legal sphere), but even then it is often just called German Civil Law.:geek:
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Active Member
May 22, 2020
I dunno, i am confident that Kathleen can find alot better ways to pull this off, since she is a professional in it for many years now.
I'm sure she could, but what I don't get is why? Why would she do this?

To get the MC's help? He's already helping.

To get some kind of dirt that could be used to blackmail him later? She already has video of the "exhibition".

Going after the MCs mother would be a desperate gamble. Kat wouldn't play that card unless she felt she had to.

To return to a point I made upthread, Kat going after the MC's mother would immediately make the entire story about that. The relationships the MC has developed, the slow-burn corruption overarching everything, the competition itself, all that goes out the window. The MC isn't going to be interested in any of the problems that any of the girls have at that point. Not if he's going to remain a believable character anyway.

Once the MC's participation becomes forced, it's a different game.
  • Thinking Face
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