I agree with you that TD most probably wil only hint at what Chuck did, the own fantasy works better than descriptions sometimes, but I think you underestimate Chuck´s potential for violence. He is obviously disappointed that he cannot maim Sophia since she is too valuable, but for example the golf instructor was not.Obviously, hence I've literally said that "this won't happen of course". It triggered people though just as I thought it would :]. I'm neither an incest fan or Victoria fan and for me Victoria could not exist and the story wouldn't lose any of its quality. Her only purpose is for us to see that Edwin is fucked up in the head considering he's regularly watching porn with his mom in the movies.
We know that Chuck isn't a fan of violence, he prefers more sophisticated methods of dealing with people. We know he "broke" some of the women he interacted with but we will probably never learn what he did because any explanation TD might come up with would be too far-fetched and unconvincing, hence it's vague like that.
As I mentioned before august is worried what happens in his circle and that Chuck and Kath´s deeds become worse.