Hi! Ww´ll see, but I theorise your prediction to be wrong, because there is quite a dfference between those two characters. Most info we could get on Grace painted a consistent picture of an envious, selfish harpy, nearly dead inside only interested in selfgratification and her fancy family facade. These update underlined this once again and showed how dangerous she can be if she runs or threratens to run to Chuck for help. Grace was an asshat from the first second of the game.
Sophia is quite different, she wears a grey hat. Dr. Lundgren is an amoral, ends justify the means genius. She is emotionally stunted by her eccentrism and high abstraction of life, but she feels. Unlike Grace, who seems to be able only to enjoy negative emotions, Sophia feels the fulll range, but constricted by several factors.
For example, she enjoys bringing in a different touch. Chemistry is full of rules and tight definitions, part of her creations bring in a bit of Chaos. Her expression says much.
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By the way, since you are one of the discussion members who go on about her using the perfume undiscriminately and to mellow Edwin, that is not really the case. Edwin knows(!) that he is tested and influenced (and our two nerds still click)and Sophia uses her creations only where it is unproblematic.
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Edwin finds Sophia so easy to talk to, when most other people have problems with it. Even Kath is unnerved by Sophia´s eccentric, blunt, in the face talk. I know that you will now argue that Sophia is a honey trap for Edwin, but that does not really fit. As far as we know, Sophia is always like this, she is too eccentric to be honey trap material.
Another difference between Sopia and Grace is that Ian´s mom disliked and hated Edwin practically from the first minute they met. She even tells our MC exactly that.
For Sophia Edwin clearly started as a neutrum to be seen what he turns out to be. They connect due to their shared nerdiness and they are closer in spirit than most other characters in game. You can even make sure they click to the extend possible at the time. Once again, for someone emotionally out there as Sophia is, her behaviour/actions during the late phase of the talk and during the "home invasion" are quite significant if we tried to get on her good side.
By the way, since I read a number of posts, which state some theories what I supposedly argue for: I am well aware that Sophia is not a fully good person. Not for nothing I count her among the grey hats. She is not a bad person, but eccentric and does not shy away from making hard choices when needed. When I say not a bad person this is connected with the fact that the official reason they are at the club is pure bogus. Abel and Sophia have access to black ops labs where they could test and make questionable experiments to their hearts´content without much risk. And their loathing of the the current PC leadership is obvious to us. As I mentioned in earlier posts, I estimate Abel and Sophia being on an own crusade against Chuck and Co. or punchclock villians for an acronym firm or organisation.
Further I am also very aware of the fact that Sophia is an amoral, eccentric nerd genius. A happy romance with her is certainly different from a normal romance! Which is one major reason I am all for a happy romance between the MC and Sophia! While they would have an amount of "standard" romantic events (e.g. going to the ice cream parlor and the cinema) there would also be romantic events only an eccentric person would see as such.
And while I hope for a happy romance for an MC-Sophia couple, I am also aware that the chances for it happening are not good.