So, you think rich and powerful people will be ready to accept someone who completely degraded themselves? Imagine somebody who you just circle-jerked on. Will you have any respect for them.
Again you ignore the story and twist it to your imagination and purposes

If she gets the scene where they circle jerk on her...she is already well on her way on losing the competition. So she will not get to the point where she is a member and she can play on her strengths to get said respect. You played her as a loser so...imagine the surprise...she is a loser and gets fucked over.
As I said previously, all of her plan is built upon winning. If she loses she's fucked beyond saving.
Believe me, through my life I've experienced a lot of people and situations.
If you understood those people and situations as well as you understood this story...well, allow me not to believe you.
No, you just want to impose your drivel on the others instead of trying to understand my arguments
Your arguments are based on playing the character story wrong, then saying she is written poorly and you don't understand why she is behaving so erratically. My arguments are grounded in facts, and I've shown how both outcomes of her story develop. The readers will make up their own mind on who is spouting drivel.
I won't respond to any more of your posts, I've already made my case and it's pointless to debate with someone that will only bring a singular point of view to the discussion.