So how does the walkthrough on this mod works?
You can choose all the traits when creating your Edwin so that you have the special dialogue and action options you'd miss if you only chose one. Normally, you can't both throw Ian under the bus in Kathleen's office *and* Strongman your way through sex scenes and fights. Here, you can.
Otherwise, you'll see little icons that symbolize what relationship point and how many you'd get or lose if you make particular choices. So in my current playthrough, I made an MC that has had scenes
before he spends the night with Hana but now is focusing on her more outside the club. I had Mrs. Pullman like me, be interested in mentoring me,
but she ended up leaving after I pulled Harper down off the leg hooks in the Obsidian Room. No sex with the boss. Perfect. (for this run lol)
And although I'm not actively courting Mina,
I am kind to her, I get her bi-curious points, and we fully acted out her lines. This save will be the basis for a Hana/fuck buddy run. I'm able to see what choices get me what I want and weigh actions that effect other things I want to do too. If Hana likes me 2 points less than Max, I might get some points with Uncle Chuck instead or something.
The mod just makes it easier to plan your run as you go and see the direct result of your choices. There's so many possible variations, it doesn't turn into a kinetic novel, know what I mean?