
Dec 1, 2022
Agree. On. Every. Single. Word.

Ellie is well on her way of becoming a turbo-slut, an even bigger one than Nadia was in the first part.
And Nadia doesn't even give a fuck about trying to protect Ellie from that kind of life, she even walks around naked, fresh from some fucking where she also gets creampied (for fuck sake, the little "flashback" Nadia can have in the tub shows how she repeatedly sucked off a fat ass store manager just to earn more money... while 8 months pregnant with Ellie. No wonder Ellie has such an affinity for swallowing, her mother basically force fed her cum while in the womb).

And then we have Ellie, afraid of getting knocked up by her neighbour - but in the very next encounter with him, is suddenly fantasizing about carrying Larry's baby.

And for all of you that want to say "well you don't have to let Ellie have sex with Larry, it is avoidable!", sure, it is... If I was only interested in seeing lesbian scenes. But instead of giving Ellie a proper male love interest, she is either a turbo-slut or a lesbian.

Terrible choices, and at this point, I am just sticking around to watch what happens to this trainwreck.
You can't even get the lesbian scenes. She talks about how she has a crush on Scarlet at the beginning of the game but you can't do anything with her unless you fuck every other guy except for when Scarlet brings the hooker to your house for some reason


Apr 5, 2019
So, I been working through the game once again.
I have found that you can avoid a lot of the sex, basically keep them on a pure type path.
However, Ellie is where it falls apart, you can't avoid anything between her and Scarlet. You can lessen some of the things, like not blowing that guy.
But why do we not have options to avoid stuff like sending her a topless pic not kissing her and things like that.
I knew there was unavoidable stuff, I was wrong it's Ellie/scarlet that is the unavoidable stuff.

Also Eugene should know he has a daughter, she was visiting him regularly for a while, which means he saw her pregnant. She asked him for a fresh start and he told her to go for it, so really no bad blood between them. No reason for him to not go see her.

I guess choices in chapter 1 affects you choice you can make in chapter 2.

In my play through again, I went through chapter 1 again and minimized the cheating as much as I could, some options were greyed out making Nadia stick a lot more to her pure path. She even say that she misses Eugene and hopes he shows up.

I just wish we would get on with Eugene showing up, I want Nadia and him back together in my play through. Season 1 ended for me with them married and as far as I can see they never got a divorce. Of course there will still need to be conflict to drive the story and I would expect them to just fall into each others arms.

I still stand by the fact that Ellie seems very locked in to any choices with scarlet. Ellie needs to be able to say no to Scarlet more.

Just wanted to correct a few things I said before that I got wrong.
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Dec 17, 2021
See, on my ending Eugene is the father. There wasn't very much cheating in my play through, they got married and while they were on their honeymoon she discovers she's pregnant, after he gets arrested.
My ending she was still in love with him and forgave him, she was then whisked away to witness protection.

It's one of the problems with the endings, some do not fit with the second chapter.

You have ending where she's not with him at all. Endings where she loves him still and wants to be with him. So, in some endings Ellie is his, others probably not his.

What does fit, as I went back to Season 1, is Eugene never knew she was pregnant. So he is unaware of having a child, in my ending at least.

It's like, Season 1 set the tone for the story, but no matter how you ended the story it has no bearing on season 2.
There's an ending where the guy tells her they will make a ton of money because she'll be fucked by 30 - 40 guys a day. Doesn't fit into season 2 because at the end she was 100% happy to do that.

I'm starting to see season 2 more of a what if story, Eugene gets thrown in jail, she has to take care of herself. They never resolved their problems and she's pregnant by Eugene. (Just me as I prefer to think Eugene is the father)

You can't have multiple different ending and try to fit it into a season 2 without multiple starting paths. This is why most VNs that are going to have another season, do not have multiple ending or have them all segway into the same result (just getting there is different).

But again, I do enjoy the story as long as I look at it as separate from the first season.

It's the Dev's baby they can write it however they want, I'm sure they have plans.
While they were on their honeymoon Nadial also cheated on Eugene. Nadia didn't even send him a photo of Ellie while he was in prison. Very big chances that Eugene is not father of Ellie. Yes. Nadia discovers, that she is pregnant after honeymoon, but she could get pregnant before.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2022
You can't even get the lesbian scenes. She talks about how she has a crush on Scarlet at the beginning of the game but you can't do anything with her unless you fuck every other guy except for when Scarlet brings the hooker to your house for some reason
That is absolutely horrible to hear. I hate when “corruption” games make you choose kinks/actions you are not comfortable with, in order to accumulate enough Corruption points so that you can actually select that one scene of your kink when it comes up.

IMHO there hasn’t been a single game where the Corruption system had some actual thought put into it, most of the time it’s a case of “must be this tall to ride”, which sucks.

It looks like Ellie being a turbo-slut is officially canon.


Dec 17, 2021
That is absolutely horrible to hear. I hate when “corruption” games make you choose kinks/actions you are not comfortable with, in order to accumulate enough Corruption points so that you can actually select that one scene of your kink when it comes up.

IMHO there hasn’t been a single game where the Corruption system had some actual thought put into it, most of the time it’s a case of “must be this tall to ride”, which sucks.

It looks like Ellie being a turbo-slut is officially canon.
It would be interesting if Ellie stopped completely obeying Scalet (may be by player's choice) and took her to Larry herself. Larry used to ask Ellie for it. I would like to see Larry and Scarlet sex scenes.


Apr 5, 2019
While they were on their honeymoon Nadial also cheated on Eugene. Nadia didn't even send him a photo of Ellie while he was in prison. Very big chances that Eugene is not father of Ellie. Yes. Nadia discovers, that she is pregnant after honeymoon, but she could get pregnant before.
In your ending she might have, in mine I told her no that I would be right up. That's when he got the call and he left her a note.

It shows he has gained back some control with her and she is willing to calm down. She's still a nympho though, she just willing (in my ending) to listen to Eugene and be his only.

Btw, unless you allow it (I think I'm right) Nadia only let's one guy creampie her without you allowing it. It was the very first guy she had sex with after she found out Eugene cheated on her (very beginning of the story). I do believe all the other encounters you have that it's your choice, for me there wasn't really any more in my current play through. My other play through where I made her just about do anyone, I think I had the choice.

So, in my play through the child would be Eugene's, the first guy was months before they got married and I never let any other guy have sex with her unless I had no choice and I'm pretty sure that was only creampie not by Eugene.

It would be interesting if Ellie stopped completely obeying Scarlet (may be by player's choice) and took her to Larry herself. Larry used to ask Ellie for it. I would like to see Larry and Scarlet sex scenes.
In my current play through, I have kept Ellie on a narrow path. She gave scarlet a peck on the lips only.
Nadia never did anything with the store owner while she was pregnant and stuff like that, I have kept her pure, so far.
I would like to see the ability for Ellie not to do anything and keep Scarlet at arms length. But for now the most Ellie has done at this point is the peck on the lips.
You do not have to force things to drive a story, you have to creative while allowing people to choose how they want to play. Pure path or slut path.

Like the nude beach with Nadia, and option to say no would have been nice. They stay off the nude beach and everything happens the same except with Nadia wearing her bathing suit.

You want to play Ellie as a smart girl and Nadia a a cleaned up version of herself waiting on Eugene to show up (in my play through she says she misses him and hopes to see him). It makes it tough when you get forced into things when you would say no.

18 years of reflecting how her life went south and Nadia still lets her bad influence walk right back into her life and start her shit again.
I'm hoping Eugene gets back in the picture, this dragging it out is getting a bit old.
I would like to see more control between Ellie and Scarlet, maybe even a way for Ellie to turn things around on her.
I would like to see Nadia put her foot down with her friend and make her stop her games or at least back off some.
I would also like to see Nadia take more interest with Ellie, you know like the two of them going out to the beach or shopping.

I guess my only other thing is Eugene getting wrapped back up in the criminal element, I wish we could bypass that and have him start looking for Nadia. He has connections and knows all her friends, it should be somewhat simple for him to find her. It just feels like it's being dragged out and to me it's a bit annoying, I want them to get back together. Then at that point the fall out from their past (criminal stuff) might catch up to them, which would spice things up a bit.

But it's the Dev's store to tell, I just hope he taking into consideration things said on the forums here.

I love the game and the renders and such, the story line though (at this point) still feels like a train wreck. Like it's not going anywhere when you know the point is for Eugene to get back to Nadia and Ellie, Nadia is waiting. Currently she thinks her is still in prison in my game.

This is all based on my current play through, depending on your choices things will be very different. Like with Nadia, I can't chose most naughty stuff because I kept her as pure as I could.
My other play though all I could do was pretty much choose the slut path for her because of my choices. It had Nadia fucking anything with a pulse which is what my previous posts were based on. Ellie wasn't far behind either.

To the Dev; I like the game, if I didn't I wouldn't take the time to post. Keep up the great work, all I ask is you take into consideration some of the things said by me and the other people who post here, mainly about options and what they do.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2022
In your ending she might have, in mine I told her no that I would be right up. That's when he got the call and he left her a note.

It shows he has gained back some control with her and she is willing to calm down. She's still a nympho though, she just willing (in my ending) to listen to Eugene and be his only.

Btw, unless you allow it (I think I'm right) Nadia only let's one guy creampie her without you allowing it. It was the very first guy she had sex with after she found out Eugene cheated on her (very beginning of the story). I do believe all the other encounters you have that it's your choice, for me there wasn't really any more in my current play through. My other play through where I made her just about do anyone, I think I had the choice.

So, in my play through the child would be Eugene's, the first guy was months before they got married and I never let any other guy have sex with her unless I had no choice and I'm pretty sure that was only creampie not by Eugene.
I am pretty sure that it's all-but-confirmed that Ellie is Eugene's daughter, regardless of how many men creampie Nadia in part 1.
Nadia never did anything with the store owner while she was pregnant and stuff like that, I have kept her pure, so far.
To be fair, you choose to have a naughty flashback or a regular flashback, meaning that Nadia did suck off the store owner, you just choose not to see it. Unless I am mistaken and "choosing" a flashback means effectively rewriting her history.


Apr 5, 2019
I am pretty sure that it's all-but-confirmed that Ellie is Eugene's daughter, regardless of how many men creampie Nadia in part 1.
I agree, I think no matter what Ellie is Eugene's daughter. Though the Dev uses 'roomie' for everything. Roomie should for Ellie, same as daughter, Ellie and other should refer to Nadia as 'landlord' which would be mom or mother. That's the typical set up and known way things work when referring to parent child and such.

At first I was confused about it until I realized it was kind of a mistake by the Dev using 'roomie' on everything.

To be fair, you choose to have a naughty flashback or a regular flashback, meaning that Nadia did suck off the store owner, you just choose not to see it. Unless I am mistaken and "choosing" a flashback means effectively rewriting her history.
That's how I took it, the regular flashback is her not doing anything. In the naughty flashback dude tells her if she does it will double her wage, so I took the regular as her not accepting.
It even says that the store got closed due to management and sexual stuff in the regular flashback. Which actually explains why she's no longer working there. In the naughty flashback, it doesn't explain that.
It could have been better written to, having her make a choice when the manager offers instead of at the beginning.

There is just very little to no story going on with Nadia and Ellie, it's all about sex (even on the pure path). The only story really is what is going on with Eugene, and you don't have a ton of control with him, a bit but not a lot. A lot of sideways progression right now, I would have like the option to have Eugene start looking for Nadia and Ellie, he knows he has a child. He said for a while Nadia visited him until she asked him to start a new life, which means he knew she was pregnant.

I see a lot of drama between Ellie and Nadia over the fact that Nadia knew where he was and kept it quiet. Eugene doesn't have any pictures in his cell of them or anything, so I guess Nadia never told Ellie about her father.
You can also have issues between Eugene and Nadia for Ellie never coming to visit or writing him. This could be another point of conflict between the three of them.
You also still have the criminal elements that may or may not want Eugene to pay up.

Train wreck so far, sure, but interesting and could easily become great once things start move and coming together. So, I am invested, I'm very interested in seeing where this goes. But, at the same time, if the story doesn't start moving it's going to be hard to stay invested in it.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2022
I agree, I think no matter what Ellie is Eugene's daughter. Though the Dev uses 'roomie' for everything. Roomie should for Ellie, same as daughter, Ellie and other should refer to Nadia as 'landlord' which would be mom or mother. That's the typical set up and known way things work when referring to parent child and such.

At first I was confused about it until I realized it was kind of a mistake by the Dev using 'roomie' on everything.

That's how I took it, the regular flashback is her not doing anything. In the naughty flashback dude tells her if she does it will double her wage, so I took the regular as her not accepting.
It even says that the store got closed due to management and sexual stuff in the regular flashback. Which actually explains why she's no longer working there. In the naughty flashback, it doesn't explain that.
It could have been better written to, having her make a choice when the manager offers instead of at the beginning.

There is just very little to no story going on with Nadia and Ellie, it's all about sex (even on the pure path). The only story really is what is going on with Eugene, and you don't have a ton of control with him, a bit but not a lot. A lot of sideways progression right now, I would have like the option to have Eugene start looking for Nadia and Ellie, he knows he has a child. He said for a while Nadia visited him until she asked him to start a new life, which means he knew she was pregnant.

I see a lot of drama between Ellie and Nadia over the fact that Nadia knew where he was and kept it quiet. Eugene doesn't have any pictures in his cell of them or anything, so I guess Nadia never told Ellie about her father.
You can also have issues between Eugene and Nadia for Ellie never coming to visit or writing him. This could be another point of conflict between the three of them.
You also still have the criminal elements that may or may not want Eugene to pay up.

Train wreck so far, sure, but interesting and could easily become great once things start move and coming together. So, I am invested, I'm very interested in seeing where this goes. But, at the same time, if the story doesn't start moving it's going to be hard to stay invested in it.
It's a train wreck because Eugene is still being treated as a second-class citizen, his paths just involve monk mode or cuckolding. It kinda made sense in part 1 (though a lot of people complained about that then too) since Nadia was his SO, but in part 2 he is free as a bird; why is he still written as cuck? Dude spent 18 years in prison, this MOFO should've been ripped and respected just for making it out alive. But no, either he cleans other dude's cum out of some rando's ass or he is celibate.

A better plot point for part 2 would've been to have Ellie meet a mysterious stranger (Eugene) looking for his family that she becomes enamored with, and later it is revealed - much to the surprise of both of them, that she is exactly the family he is looking for. You want incest themes? Well there, you got them (if you choose to develop their attraction further, but you destroy your potential relationship with Nadia), or you stick to Nadia, and let the two of them sort out their messes.

But nah, we get Ellie hammered by a dwarf or "abused" by her girlfriend. And you better like it... *sigh*
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Apr 5, 2019
It's a train wreck because Eugene is still being treated as a second-class citizen, his paths just involve monk mode or cuckolding. It kinda made sense in part 1 (though a lot of people complained about that then too) since Nadia was his SO, but in part 2 he is free as a bird; why is he still written as cuck? Dude spent 18 years in prison, this MOFO should've been ripped and respected just for making it out alive. But no, either he cleans other dude's cum out of some rando's ass or he is celibate.

A better plot point for part 2 would've been to have Ellie meet a mysterious stranger (Eugene) looking for his family that she becomes enamored with, and later it is revealed - much to the surprise of both of them, that she is exactly the family he is looking for. You want incest themes? Well there, you got them (if you choose to develop their attraction further, but you destroy your potential relationship with Nadia), or you stick to Nadia, and let the two of them sort out their messes.

But nah, we get Ellie hammered by a dwarf or "abused" by her girlfriend. And you better like it... *sigh*
Yup, I agree.

My problem in part 1, was Nadia pushed it way too much. He wasn't full on a cuck, so he would have only taken so much before he blew a gasket and either dominated her or left. Nadia acts like she wants to be in charge, but honestly she shows a submissive side; which Eugene could have used to his advantage.
But, we didn't get those options, which is why the complaining. It's like part 1 was written to be him as submissive then at the last moment the Dev decided to give him a bit of balls. There was no option for him to take control, you just had to suck it up.

We don't know what the Dev has planned. It could be he meets his daughter and they hit it off. Maybe he at some party and Nadia is ordered as an escort or something. So, many ways this story could go, the Dev just needs to move it along as it feels very stalled right now.

I do feel that Eugene has a bit stronger and not so much as a pussy now, just barely though. The real question will be, does he stand up to Nadia and make her a bit more submissive, Ellie is already a submissive bitch, though (in my play through) she does not submit 100%.

Like I said, Nadia and Ellie side of things is more like what can I fuck. While Eugene is like, fuck my family let's see what trouble I can get into. It's like two different stories smashed into one.

I don't want Ellie around Scarlet, wish there was a way to take control and make Ellie the one in control.
Frankly, if I had the option, Nadia would have shut the door in her friends face. Maybe an option to tell her no more of her bullshit that she had changed her life after Ellie was born and she wasn't interested in starting up again.
Her friend was there less than a day and is already trying to set her up with random people, hello wake up Nadia.
She had 19 years to consider how that 'friend' cause so many issues in her life, why would you go through that again.

I kind of feel like it's being strung out.
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Dec 17, 2021
I am pretty sure that it's all-but-confirmed that Ellie is Eugene's daughter, regardless of how many men creampie Nadia in part 1.

To be fair, you choose to have a naughty flashback or a regular flashback, meaning that Nadia did suck off the store owner, you just choose not to see it. Unless I am mistaken and "choosing" a flashback means effectively rewriting her history.
Nadia did not even try send a photo of Ellie to Eugene while he was in prison and not send him letters about daughter. Strong probability ерфе Ellie isn't Eugenie's daughter.


Dec 17, 2021
In your ending she might have, in mine I told her no that I would be right up. That's when he got the call and he left her a note.

It shows he has gained back some control with her and she is willing to calm down. She's still a nympho though, she just willing (in my ending) to listen to Eugene and be his only.

Btw, unless you allow it (I think I'm right) Nadia only let's one guy creampie her without you allowing it. It was the very first guy she had sex with after she found out Eugene cheated on her (very beginning of the story). I do believe all the other encounters you have that it's your choice, for me there wasn't really any more in my current play through. My other play through where I made her just about do anyone, I think I had the choice.

So, in my play through the child would be Eugene's, the first guy was months before they got married and I never let any other guy have sex with her unless I had no choice and I'm pretty sure that was only creampie not by Eugene.

In my current play through, I have kept Ellie on a narrow path. She gave scarlet a peck on the lips only.
Nadia never did anything with the store owner while she was pregnant and stuff like that, I have kept her pure, so far.
I would like to see the ability for Ellie not to do anything and keep Scarlet at arms length. But for now the most Ellie has done at this point is the peck on the lips.
You do not have to force things to drive a story, you have to creative while allowing people to choose how they want to play. Pure path or slut path.

Like the nude beach with Nadia, and option to say no would have been nice. They stay off the nude beach and everything happens the same except with Nadia wearing her bathing suit.

You want to play Ellie as a smart girl and Nadia a a cleaned up version of herself waiting on Eugene to show up (in my play through she says she misses him and hopes to see him). It makes it tough when you get forced into things when you would say no.

18 years of reflecting how her life went south and Nadia still lets her bad influence walk right back into her life and start her shit again.
I'm hoping Eugene gets back in the picture, this dragging it out is getting a bit old.
I would like to see more control between Ellie and Scarlet, maybe even a way for Ellie to turn things around on her.
I would like to see Nadia put her foot down with her friend and make her stop her games or at least back off some.
I would also like to see Nadia take more interest with Ellie, you know like the two of them going out to the beach or shopping.

I guess my only other thing is Eugene getting wrapped back up in the criminal element, I wish we could bypass that and have him start looking for Nadia. He has connections and knows all her friends, it should be somewhat simple for him to find her. It just feels like it's being dragged out and to me it's a bit annoying, I want them to get back together. Then at that point the fall out from their past (criminal stuff) might catch up to them, which would spice things up a bit.

But it's the Dev's store to tell, I just hope he taking into consideration things said on the forums here.

I love the game and the renders and such, the story line though (at this point) still feels like a train wreck. Like it's not going anywhere when you know the point is for Eugene to get back to Nadia and Ellie, Nadia is waiting. Currently she thinks her is still in prison in my game.

This is all based on my current play through, depending on your choices things will be very different. Like with Nadia, I can't chose most naughty stuff because I kept her as pure as I could.
My other play though all I could do was pretty much choose the slut path for her because of my choices. It had Nadia fucking anything with a pulse which is what my previous posts were based on. Ellie wasn't far behind either.

To the Dev; I like the game, if I didn't I wouldn't take the time to post. Keep up the great work, all I ask is you take into consideration some of the things said by me and the other people who post here, mainly about options and what they do.
I am also interested in the future relationship between Ellie and Teresa - also a smart girl. In gym class, I chose to help Teresa with warm-up. And Scarlet is jealous of Ellie for Theresa.

But because Ellie can't use contraception and Larry doesn't use condoms, Ellie should already be pregnant. And before Larry asked Ellie to invite Scarlet. Ellie must put Scarlet in Larry's hands.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2022
Is it still true that your choices from the first game don't actually effect the second?
They don't appear to.

Whatever happens (whatever relationship status you end the game with) in the finale of part 1 is irrelevant, as Eugene always ends up in prison, Nadia learns she is pregnant (99% Eugene is the father, dev never confirmed), she has a daughter that Eugene knows nothing about. Nadia moves away and raises Ellie on her own (she never remarried or had a new boyfriend in the mean time), and the two have been living together on their own ever since. Nothing you do in part 1 affects the start (and the time in between the two games) of part 2.

Maybe there might be some dialogue differences once the actual reunion happens, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2022
But because Ellie can't use contraception and Larry doesn't use condoms, Ellie should already be pregnant.
Where did you get this from? There is a scene clearly showing Ellie taking the morning-after pill after one of her escapades with Larry. Ellie isn't on any active birth control, she only takes something after having sex with Larry. But it is looking like, soon enough, Ellie won't care about that anymore and just let Larry knock her up.


Apr 5, 2019
I am also interested in the future relationship between Ellie and Teresa - also a smart girl. In gym class, I chose to help Teresa with warm-up. And Scarlet is jealous of Ellie for Theresa.

But because Ellie can't use contraception and Larry doesn't use condoms, Ellie should already be pregnant. And before Larry asked Ellie to invite Scarlet. Ellie must put Scarlet in Larry's hands.
Larry never got off the ground in my current play through, I shut him down completely.
Though, I missed the part where Ellie couldn't use contraception. All that means is she should be using condoms, she's a smart girl and I feel she would have insisted. She has made it clear she doesn't want to be pregnant.


Apr 5, 2019
Is it still true that your choices from the first game don't actually effect the second?
They affect what choices you can make in the second. Basically, if you're as pure as you can be, Nadia can't really choose to sleep with randoms for the most part, like she's cleaning up her act. If you played her loose, she can be a super slut and might have to choose sleeping with a random.

So it does in some ways, but not in others.
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Apr 5, 2019
Nadia did not even try send a photo of Ellie to Eugene while he was in prison and not send him letters about daughter. Strong probability ерфе Ellie isn't Eugenie's daughter.
No everything points to Ellie being Eugene's daughter, the whole basis of the story is it's mother/father/daughter. I have little to no doubt that Ellie is Eugene's daughter.
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