Ren'Py - Completed - Paprika Trainer [v1.2.0.0] [Exiscoming]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    pachinko jones

    Can't really justify rating any lower if I played it through to the end and felt emotionally invested for a solid chunk of it. The explore system is annoying and the landgrab system is completely unbalanced (at first you won't have enough agents to make meaningful progress, but by the end you'll have too many and will just be skipping 30 days at a time to get to landgrabs), and I'm assuming way scaled back from it's original intentions based on the way it's described. These two facts make a gameplay loop that is mostly unfulfilling.

    But the story beats are nice and really draw you into the characters. Strangely the foreplay scenes are the hottest the game gets, so if you're in it just for that I'd stop playing once you get there, the further sex scenes aren't half as hot.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Diamond lou

    I had a blast playing this game, the comedy was the highlight for me mainly in the MC's insanity playing off well with the girls, with the "Say Something Crazy" options being the most fun options to choose in my opinion. The progression of your relationships with the girls was also pretty good feeling like you are actually becoming friends with these characters, though admittedly before writing this i was going for a good guy route so my memory might be skewed, though the dialogue wall you hit unless you get the next rank of the gangs can be a bit annoying.

    The game did get rather grindy at times namely in trying to gather resources and money, admittedly though it's less of a problem if you aren't trying to get everything, the game itself was fun and i had a good time through it all, the only real gripe if have is with the endings, after all the work you've put into the game and characters the endings are rather lacklustre, which seems to be a opinion a good portion of others have as well. The endings don't ruin the whole experience but it just makes you feel that after everything you've done your rewards for getting to the end are rather anti-climactic

    Overall the game was a great experience which i would definitely play again, very fun and easy to get into, the only bad things being somewhat of a grind and some poor endings.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this game.
    First of all, I love the characters. Sam, Alex and Clover were some childhood crushes of mine, so seeing them in a trainer game is a dream come true.
    The game itself is well done, and I would say it is the best trainer game I have played so far. By introducing a few mechanics to keep things interesting and giving enough spice to keep things from bogging down, the dev really makes this game stand out, even over their previous game.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall a good game.
    From the positive. Great plot and characters. A fairly simple managerial component.
    Now it's negative. There are few lewd scenes. The developer's note honestly states their number. But still I would like more. A lot of grind. This is also honestly written in the developer's note. But still I would like less. From the second third of the game, you just skip the constantly recurring scenes with girls. This is not good. But still closer to 4 than to 3.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    - Sex animations
    - Outfit system
    - The theme and the different gangs are unique

    - The VN style 'combat' is fast and tolerable, thank Cthulhu that it's not another RPG Maker grindfest (not that it's anymore deep, but at least it's over with quickly)
    - The length and amount of grind is tolerable. You really only need 10-20 agents and can fast forward through most. Once you maximize your cash you won't need to grind it anymore.
    - Holding CTRL really does skip through 100% of the tediousness

    - The writing is not sexy whatsoever, aiming to be more funny and whimsical. The animations can carry, but don't expect to be turned on by any text

    Great execution in this game. Nothing ground breaking or revolutionary. Good smut. Looking forward to the developer's future work. Maybe hire a writer for sex scenes to get that 5/5 for the next game.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The dress-up feature is interesting concept and pretty good to have. The issues I have with the game is the UI throughout the game. The regular interactions could be improved to increase the QOL and instructions made more clear. The spy infiltration games and not the most straight-forward, but is very repetitive after you get a hold of one.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    A pretty enjoyable game about a franchise I know nothing about!

    Graphics and animations are really great, the writing is pretty entertaining and funny, and above all, it's a real game, meaning it needs input from the player, something I love! Missions are repetitive, but the management part was pretty well done.

    On the bad side:
    - the game is pretty grindy, and the gameplay has nothing to do with the adult-part of the game, which I know is pretty common, but I still don't get.
    - sex scenes are great, but too few. Like, really: maybe six scenes by characters... I mean, for the time I spend grinding, I feel like I deserve more...
    - you can custom the characters, but the sex scenes are all with the default skin, so why bother?
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2564072

    Genuinely very enjoyable, actually had more just plain straight up fun with this hentai game than i do with most regular ones. Well worth the time it takes to play through though i probably would still recommend the cheat codes for those that want to get straight to the 'action' looking forward to whatever the dev has planned next.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Art: 5/5
    Story: 5/5
    Music: 5/5
    Gameplay: 3/5
    Overall: 4/5

    The art and story is so good I recommend playing this even if you don't finish the game.

    So this game takes inspiration from obvious sources (Akabur's Princess Trainer and the like). It's a generic "Trainer" game featuring everyone's favorite vixen spies from the early 00s. You play as a WHOOP criminal that escapes during a total cataclysm of Beverly Hills and the WHOOP organization. Your mission is to gather up the girls, collect gadgets, and fight back against the gangs who have taken hold of the city after the cataclysm.

    Pros - Very convincing story and writing along with fantastic art (with some animations even!).
    Lots of events and things to do to keep you busy playing.

    Cons - The only substantial con I found is the incredible grind that has to be done to get through story checkpoints sometimes. --Even with cheats it can still be tedious due to the general mechanics of the game requiring you to farm materials or things.

    Overall the only reason this game doesn't get the 5 stars to make it an S-tier game is that I, for as much as I love the art and game I have yet to actually finish the last few story points. (I've beaten the game basically, but no end-credits yet). The slow ramp-up of BDSM content really isn't in my favor but is forgivable due to the art itself being supreme. However, the general grind gets to be annoying even with cheats. I'd say good alternatives to fix this would be to make it possible to achieve the same things in multiple ways. The gadget upgrades become basically invisible because you'll only play with a certain meta of gear and essentially never deviate.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    first of all you cant really fap to this game not much sexual writing really
    all the writing went to the wrong place making a story about saving whoop
    the sex animation were great the photos were great i am not sure how i can video the photos again
    i was looking forward to a trainer game like witch trainer or princess trainer but this was just terrible in comparison really
    now if you are interested in seeing the sex animations just use a 100% save
    and honestly that is all there is of a sexual content in this game you will not be missing any sex scenes in the story or whatever
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall well written and fun game.
    Dialogue and gameplay both not a chore, but actually engaging.
    Not a lot of scenes, but the quality makes up for it.
    Can become very grindy, but you can always cheat, if it becomes too much for you.
    Ending is a little "meh", but at least it's finished, and it's more about the journey, than about the goal.
    Can easily recommend it.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    The porn variety is rather poor
    Spoiler, you get Kim Possible and Abigail/Silva, no scene where you explicitly sex them
    The villains only get a measy picture
    The ending is rather shallow
    The good end is basically "and the adventure goes on" and the bad ending is, you only own the spies, no villains
    You don't get any more sex scene with the villains

    On the plus side, it's a completed indie VN
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game. Not much porn here but still 5 stars and worth playing if you love theme. Grindy but ATM codes helps enough.

    +Well written
    +Sexy sprites
    +Plot makes sence
    -Not alot of porn, especially early
    -Animation scenes not consistent with sprites
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    It was a very fun game.The dialog is top notch and the animations are beatiful. If you ever had a boner for the spies, this is your game . The gameplay is kinda annoying and grinding, though. Nothing that cheats don't solve for you if you don't have the patience.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay so I am gonna give this game 5 stars because its packed with so much content thats actually good like the CGs and animations are amazing. The gameplay itself is actually enjoyable despite it being a very grindy game.

    Basically there is a lot of good about this game and I would definitely tell you to give it a shot despite the next 2 things I say.

    There can be situations that feel buggy making it hard to tell what to do next without some extra clicking. There is also this problem where characters will say things before they have actually happened like alex will talk about showing her tits off before she had even shown anything at all. While this may not be a big deal to a lot of people it is when it breaks immersion. But despite that I would not let that stop you from playing and enjoying this game because it is REALLY GOOD honestly.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    good art and customization. Good writing. thanks for the pubes options. Couldn't figure out how to do some of the photo quests though. a few minor bugs that I can't remember off the top of my head. Looking forward to your future projects.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Here's my review of this waste of time. Before this was labelled complete, and I use that term very loosely, I always just left the game after literal hours of grinding saying "I'll just wait till its 'done' I guess." And every time I'd return like an Alzheimer's patient thinking "It must be good now!" And I'd get disappointed every time. You grind, grind, grind and grind some more for a ripped clothing CG or something. Finally I got fed up and super cheated in the game with all the cheats I could find for myself, and there was really no endgame content it seemed, So I completely abandoned it for a long time.

    Then one day I said "What the hell, lemme try one last time, totally spies did it for me a young lad." And by try I meant completely decrypt it and look at the files to see what I might be missing. You can imagine not only my surprise, but anger when I saw there is barely a scene per girl, the art completely changes for the CG scenes, and everything I went through in game, was the only things leading up to the non scenes.

    It's a grindy mess of a game that has no pay off, acts kooky and random because they think it's OH SO FUNNY, and is a waste of time. For your sake don't even download it and do something better with your time. Like making sculptures out of animal droppings.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok first of all this is biased towards a 5 for two main reasons. I feel like the rating is too low and I really appreciate the dev replying in the comments. As an H-game this is maybe a 3-4, but I actually had fun with it as a normal game.

    People call this grindy but I actually found it pretty fun. As someone new to the series I loved talked to all the girls and how much dialogue happens. The time between H-scenes is quite a while but I actually enjoyed the gameplay between them quite a bit and all the girls were so fun to talk to. Lots of great outfits aswell. I found the story fairly interesting and even the side characters to be fun.

    One negative thing is that I wish there was a way to replay scenes like when Sam is slutty at the party.

    Main main and biggest complaint is that it keeps on building up the corruption and sluttyness of the girls but you can never whore the girls out. The most they ever do with other people is some lightly sexual implied acts. If this game actually let you make the girls have sex with other people this would be one of my favorite games 10/10.

    Anyway definitely worth it if you're willing to play one of those h-games that is light on the h but quite good on the game/story which takes up most of it.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    It's pretty good.
    MUCH too grindy, I lost interest before getting to any actual lewd scenes, though.
    Despite not getting to the sex, the art is nice and the MC is funny, so I at least had some fun before deciding to quit.

    I would've given this a lower score, but there's cheats to get more money and items, which definitely helps with the awful grinding.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    The biggest thing about this game is the art. The 3 main characters are undeniable hot. However the content is almost inexistent if we considered what you need to do to unlock it.

    You need to rush most of the quests to train the girls, because having sex, chatting, and so on, won't change their behaviour. No matter how many times you fuck theirs pussies, only quest will open new content(and those quests, damn, they repeat a LOT). All the scenarios are almost the same with different textures. In the beginning i though that we could explore it, finding a easier, faster path, but NO, it's all about clicking clicking clicking and click ing again. Left-right-left-rigth....

    The sex scenes are really great but after you unlock them, you prob will watch 2 times and get bored. There're about 5 animated scenes for each of the main character (total 15x scenes). The side characters only pictures. I played until end because i wanted to know if there's a big animation scene, but no, only a picture, and that's it.

    In short, it isn't a game that is too much enjoyable to play, because the reward doesn't match the work.


    +Excelent Art
    +Good animations
    +Good Plot

    - Repeatable quest
    - Reward don't match the work to unlock it
    - You get disappointed about how much you need to work to unlock a simple sex scene