"$RandomFranchiseName Trainer (Parody, don't sue me senpai!)" are so 2016.
The biggest problem with this subgenre is that these games are not trainers (fuck you, Akabur, for that). Yes, you heard me. These are linear narrations of training, with bells and whistles attached. The narration of training can be good, the art can be good, fuck, even the bells and whistles can be good.
But it's not training. It's basically grinding some arbitrary resources and using them to unlock new chapters of a VN. And so this gameplay model gets no brownie points whatsoever.
So anyway, Paprika Trainer v1.0.
Very good CGs. Even better animations. Really, these are the best. The flipside is that there are very few of them and there were no accompanying text (there is some VA). Personally I think animations are a waste of time, the game would have been much better with zero animations in exchange for having twice the scenes + scenes having some text.
The overall story was... okay? I guess it was okay, despite having an "insane" protagonist it was fairly sane overall. Some typos here and there, but tolerable. The pacing was pretty bad, though. I got 9 scenes (3 scenes x3 girls) fairly quickly, basically grind-free. But then there's a HUGE stretch of grind with no rewards, and 4 more scenes closer to the end.
Some interesting mechanics, at least supposedly. The problem is, they don't really work. For instance, keeping high bot levels has never backfired on me. The missions were actually decent thanks to smooth implementation, even though at the base level they are merely procedurally generated resource management mini-sims. No training, by which I mean managing a girl's mood and balancing your push towards corruption. You DO need to manage morale in this game, but you don't do it in the context of corruption, you need morale to grind resources. This sucks.
So... slightly above average overall, but just not enough for 4 stars in my opinion. Maaaaaybe if this gets a DLC... (version 1.5?)