Is anyone else having issues in 1.01 where even though you don't have the companion yet getting impregnated by certain enemy types just yields an Unknown Creature? I've had it with the Hugger Type 1 (got it off the prisoner boss though), Tentacles (got it off the scavenger/pirate boss) and now the Hugging Bee which I have not found a replacement for.
On a related note, does anyone know where in the game files that stuff is handled? Crafting and attack data are pretty obvious but Sex Attack is a single skill with only a cryptic note saying "Custom Action Sequence" meaning there's probably a script somewhere trying to match up enemy and companion IDs that's failing for some reason.
Edit: upon further experimentation the culprit appears to be the "Cum Squeeze" ability, which seems to set the "father" to Sasha herself. Absolutely awful for how annoying and grindy that skill is to use in the first place.