Excuse my bluntness, but are you fuckin serious? xD
So first off, I'll give you some credit where due. There's a lot in my game that's currently up in the air. Lot of questions, not a lot of answers. Where I'm going to call you an idiot, is the fact that you ragged on me for needing some "exposition" and "world-building", but refused to acknowledge the exposition and world-building that exists within the game...
To final off, answers in the game are coming very soon with the introduction of a new character that's way more in the know about what has been going on. She doesn't have all the answers but has enough to catch everyone up to speed a fair bit.
I'm not THE pinnacle of storytelling but don't sit there, trying to act like Mr. know-it-all, saying that my story lacks exposition and world-building. Is it the best? Not by miles BUT it does exist. I'm a first-time dev that woke up with this desire to create something a few years ago and put it into action. Cut me some slack and if you think you can do better, by all means, do it.
If it sounds like I'm coming across like a bit of an ass, it's because I am. It's not very warming to have someone offer a replacement script undermining some of the context of the game in one hand and badgering me for not having any in the other hand. I didn't act like a dick in my original response. Quite to opposite, I offered a suggestion to better your script replacement in a way that doesn't break context between arguably the two most important characters in the game. Inturn, you spat in my face.