I have a few ideas/thoughts about the game:
1. While it's very early development status i noticed that it can get a little bit tedious if you have to wait for a certain time each day to progress with certain girls (for an example Sarah with 3 times and Camila with 4 times). It would help a lot to interact with your bed and then get options to which time of the day you want to skip. Something like morning, afternoon, dusk, evening, etc. That would be nice to have.^^
Well, the bed has that function, when you take a nap, you advance a period of time, although not as complete as you suggest, I could consider putting such a choosing system.
2. I've noticed that the tags on top of the thread and the tags in the genre area of the OP differ a little. For an example, pregnancy doesn't appear at the top but in the genre section. This should be fixed to remove confusion.
I had not realized, I'm going to check that.
3. The behavior of the main character confuses me a little. On one side he really cares for family members (both his real family and the one he lives with) and wants to help people who are good but on the other side he's a brutal sadist who has no problem to let a gang member drown (the guy who wanted to kill Camila and yeah, that person is cancer) and get eaten by animals or shoot dozens of people and don't even show the smallest sight of regret or at least pointing out that he regrets to do it.
I understand that the business of his uncle is most likely the mafia and this had an impact in his life but yeah...the main character looks flat like that und imo there should be some rework of speciifc dialogues to give him more credibility. I don't think a corruption system is necessary, just make the character more lifely with good writing.^^
Sorry... I'm not a good novel writer, I make this game with the resources and skills that I have, if you want to know a little more about the MC, visit the witch, although, it is a little difficult to get to her. But she explains a bit of why the MC acts the way he does.
4. Will there be non-humanoid girls around the island or only humans you can interact with? I always love to have some variety and adding some fantasy stuff (Summertime Saga did a good job in that by adding such girls but you have to look for them as a bonus) would please more people. Ofc only if you want that. Your game, your rules.^^
Not at the moment, however, you are partially covered with the Kronar PC game.
5. Do you plan to add a date progress system of some sorts to keep track how much a girl likes you and having information about them like what their hobbies are, how old they are and a few more bio details like boobs sizes, butt size, height and the other good stuff a man needs to know?

This could be done by having an extra button in the menu that let you swap between the girls you have met so far or perhaps the PC in the palyers room. Also having the phone numbers of the girls to meet somewhere for convenience would be nice to have.
That is the plan, in the pc you should have that information... but, it will be in a next update, it turned out to be more complicated than I thought
, once I resolve how to do it in the PC, I could consider exporting the system to the phone.