To clarify for everyone asking: at the very start your are turned into a futa succubus, this is unavoidable and part of the game (well, I mean you could game over and live your life normally, but then you're not playing).
Every character who can be changed now (of which there are, I believe, 4 unless I missed someone in 1.2), has two possibilities of "transformation". These options, aside from the assistant, are based on where you talk to them and decide what path to pick for them. I haven't done half of them but the basics are as follows:
1. Assistant can either be a 'partner' (they will be a dominant type of futa succubus) or a sextoy bimbo (don't recall what happens to her here)
2. There is a boy who wants to bulk up and is insecure in his masculinity. You can either turn him into a bull-man (read as: he gets big and gets some horns, don't expect a minotaur or even an anthro), or I 'think' a sissy?
3. A pretty actress who either wants to be a better actress (turns her into a pornstar type) or you help ease her worries about her large breasts by turning her into a cow-girl (similar as the guy, this is mostly a hucow/"girl gets some horns and lactates", not anthro)
4. A reclusive nerd who you either turn into Cortana if she was freaky in bed, or into a goth who rebels against societal norms.
As of right now you do not change the genders of any other character aside from your assistant and yourself.
Along with all of this, you have an amulet that you can swap that will either make you a dominant or a submissive, which will also add a whole new set of scenes for every character when you lewd them (i.e. dominant and bullman causes you to tease him, submissive and bullman gets you pinned down, etc), along with just working in each location having a few different sexy scenes. This means that depending on the amulet settings, either you will dominate people or you will be dominated (so to answer your question Ravenleaf: Femdom is a thing)
That all said, I highly recommend playing the game if any of what's here sounds interesting. Each character has 3 talking points at each location they visit to find out what their concerns are (which leads to the options for them), it has potential for interesting resource management at some point, and it has a lot of nice scenes for what's already here. This is super early in development but there is definitely potential here. The latest update adds a few new scenes in the investment part with the bank and a few new lore bits, but where it can go from here can be great.
*I should also note that my preference was the bull-man/cow-girl and cortana transformation wise, hence why I don't know on some other things as well. Just adding that in because while each character visits two locations (guy visits gym/diner, actress visits diner/computer area, nerd visits gym/computer area), this means that it's possible to have two characters who are transformed together who are also working in the same spot. I haven't tested with the gym (sissy+goth) and I don't know how it works in the computer area (as the cortana transformation has them kinda be in the system rather than just the computer area), but this does mean that bull-man/cow-girl do have some scenes together.