OK time to look at the game again:
So let me rant a bit: First of all, and this is 100% subjective, im not a big fan of the l2d talking models right now. Hard to put my finger on it but something is off about them right now. Looks fancy, but it takes some more work. On the same note, the addition of furies always makes me uneasy, but the more the merrier in porn games, and the world itself is kind of perfect for this so no real complains there.
One a more positive note, i like that there are after work options, even tho right now they are the "go there to fuck" category. The shop could use some gameplay elements. Idk music tracks that would attract one kind of customers more, or items that someone might like. Right now, its just a place to burn money and it feels. The pool party i think is a bit self explanatory: we wanted bikini skins we need a place to use them. It would be fun if we could just hang out at the party or work there overtime but thats just my stupid idea. Overall, i want more locations and there is a lot room to explore, maybe meet someone outside who only come to the bar after you know them? Also the gallery is fun, but maybe lets consider adding the option to call someone over after a certain intimacy.
So gameplay. The changes from last time are very welcome, faster grind. If we can get to a point when the drinks, ice and
reset button are bound to hotkeys too, things will be rather smooth, and very very similar to valhalla tho thats on a different note. Things are still rather plain. Drinks lack the story elements behind them, or any kind of fancy characteristics. I do think this system is kind of a placeholder right now, i hope i am right. The option to not mix every drink but to stir them would give some well needed mix into the game, no pun intended (or you know... dont tell me that the "Antimatter" is not the Paradise Overlap equivalent of Whiskey on ice... why the fuck am i mixing whiskey on ice T_T ?). Ill say it again what i said in my first review. We really need some kind of thinking interactive elements here. Maybe someone doesnt tell what drink they want exactly, figure it out based on mood. Someone once asked for a drink not on the menu, now thats a secret drink you know one of your customers like and based on some characteristics that you head when you first served (like "yeah thats kicks like a mule") you may decide to make said drink in a non specific order situation. Possibilites are limitless. Tho i must add, making the mixing game more complicated should be an option, some are here just for the porn and that is completely all right. So something more technical. Make the color of the bars the same as the name in the recipie. It can really fuck with players perception.
And on to the world. We use the term "cifa" in my freind group for this kind of worlds (combined from the words cyber and fantasy) and i must say i am a sucker for it, and this is why i WANT more. Not just more porn, more on the world. Right now we are seeing only very little and it is painful. Even tho the game is built in a more interactive/sandbox way than vallhalla was, it is still a visual novel and right now it lacks what makes those great: great writing. Lets see why is this city so great, and why is it a shithole in the same time. I might be expecting too much from this lil project, but you got the ground work for it and right now it is very close to a big crossroad: either keep the game light with a basic gallery chasing focus, gathering money buying stuff so these girls would let themself be fucked by this weird bartender, or go with the harder road and make a game with a world worth exploring for its ideas and uniqueness. We are very much passed the point that an interesting mix of elements will make a world good on its own, takes a lot of design and thinking to make that nowadays.
Well in the end, since this is starting to get a bit long, i am overall happy with the progress and i am looking forward what it is to come. Keep it up and i might end up pitching in to patrion, something i am not known to do.