Alderian News!
Hello everyone
Remember, if you haven't already, please wishlist Parasite Black over on steam! Every wishlist helps! Link here:
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First and foremost, assets and various things are still being gathered for the next update, we'll have a lot of fun and exciting things to show you guys soon!
Another look at one of the Parasite's homeworlds - Above (WIP)
Just to be clear once more on the release schedule:
1.) -Mages of Palam and Captain Nyx update next (This update may be split into two depending on size, with the stories of both being wrapped up ... for now).
2.) - Wrapping up Act 1 (A major focus on Regina update and moving the story along).
3.) Dependent on how the other two updates go, we may do an additional update prior to the steam launch to add hopefully atleast another dozen events to the travel maps feature as well as polish any remaining old content!
On the coding side of things, we've taken on some feedback, and one thing we're now looking into is implementing some stuff to reduce the amount of clicking around the map/traversing around the world, (no more aching wrists from excessive clicking!) We've also implemented an auto-party assigner for combat that can be turned on and off and are looking into whatever else we can to improve the player experience.
Improving combat, such as enemy AI, the flow of combat, and allowing the player to transform into his parasite form during combat is still the main priority for the next update!
(Shani revamp above - WIP)
That's all the news for now,
thank you all so much for your support, you guys are awesome and without you,
this wouldn't be possible!
-The Damned Studios Team