Alderian News!
Hey guys, as promised I just wanted to take a moment to talk to you guys about the current development of the project and game as well as hopefully answer any questions you guys might have.
First and foremost, we are working to still update much of the old art and such and we plan to make real strides with that this month, for example:
Library (old - current in game)
Library (New - replacement art still WIP)
Along with some changes as well to character models, one or two story CGs and some of the old sex scenes, these style changes do fit the aethestic of the world a lot better we feel, and make the game as a whole more cohesive artistically. We'll have more to show on that soon but we think we're making good strides there.
New content:
While the main focus of this update is not only going to be improving the game's art cohesion and technical aspects, as usual, we will be giving some additional new content for the player to try.
The main focus of this update will be focused on Arwen, one of the prostitutes available at the Brothel District. Without going into too much spoiler territory, we do have some fun 'hot' scenes planned there that hopefully we'll be able to pull off in the time we have but that's all I can say for now.
And finally, the last thing to discuss:-
Technical stuff and when will my saves work damn it?:
So, one of the main hurdles we still face is getting in the many technical features. Some of you may be wondering what kind of features, so I hope to go into a bit more detail explaining some of the stuff technically planned (spoiling as little as I can).
But the first thing to understand is that each of these features implemented is what largely causes the saves between builds to destabilize. this is due to so much of the engine code getting re-wrote so it pretty much just crashes the saves.
Which leaves us with only two things we can do:
1.) Implement all the features as quickly as possible
2.) Make the save system itself as robust as possible.
With that said, even with the game as stable as possible, and while far less likely than now, there is always going to be the chance that saves will be corrupted...There is no way to guarantee 100% saves working but they will be far more likely to work.
(Please note, we will be supplying saves from now on when necessary/if we can).
Now, while on the subject of features, I wanted to showcase a bit and talk through some of these planned feats, how they'll make the game better and despite the problems they're currently causing with saves, why it's worth it.
1.) Navigation: While the player is likely familar with navigation on the 'city level', what we haven't integrated yet is the world maps. The idea being to move from location to location, you'll have to traverse across a 'travel map' where various things can happen, (battles, random encounters and a host of other crazy things that I can't talk about without spoilers), but we really think this will help bring the world alive and be one of the most dynamic parts of the game.
2.) Skills: are exactly that, as the player levels in in-game, he/she gets stronger and learns new moves/skills (some lewd maybe, *cough*), a pretty essential part to any RPG.
3.) Crafting: - While scavening and finding new equipment/items out in the world, the player will be able (perhaps dependent on skill level) to craft new and useful items while out adventuring, this could anything from health potions to whatever.
4.) Relationships: - Tracking who the player is in a relationship with, whether the player is married to them or has children with that person + other things.
5.) Quests: - That Adventurer Guild is a little barren right now, we plan to change that adding in a 'Guild board' where the player will be able to partake in various repeatable quests and stuff ranked to different tiers offering higher rewards (and perhaps unlocking special missions as the player does so.
I'm not gonna go through the rest of them, but suffice to say this kinda stuff is why this is such a code heavy Renpy game, (if not one of the most python heavy renpy games around), and I hope this gives you a bit of a better idea on some of the stuff we have planned.
I'll leave you guys to speculate on some of the others features on that board, (not all are listed)...
Alright guys, I think that wraps up this Alderian news,
If you guys have any questions don't forget to ask them below or join us over on discord and ask them there!
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Thank you guys as always for your support, is does make a huge difference in making this game what it is and we really hope we can make the best game we can.
If you're thinking about supporting, please do, we appreciate every cent even if it's just a few dollars helping keep the lights on around here
-The Damned Studios Team