Can some one show me the picture of the room where you can find the AstroMed P2 suit?
where is AstroMed P2? i can't find it. I found the AstroTech Peon,
In Laboratories:
Thanks for the update, and new overall physic, which is better than before. Can you maybe update technician outfit with pants and brown jacket but without this black stripes/bandages, I'm thinking about something topless, or in later stages automatically update it with more risky version?
With that in mind, it would be nice to have multiple save slots instead of saving on top of the current one every single time.
Yep, or some options to choose different interaction after the first time it was played.
For example, we first meet Bob when we are not infected, the scene is normally playing. Then we return to him when we are infected, and he apologizes, but not this time, or it shouldn't concern him when he's already doing it with an infected person.
Another idea, it could be tied to our infected stages, for example early stages don't concern him, but when our belly starts growing he's apologizing but no. You could tie it with passed time or with number of steps taken, after for example first “catch”, and impregnation with parasite. You could set 100–200 steeps (or more) to be taken back to give birth to jumping occto, and add growing belly in the meantime (+ with slowing you down, another thing to make the game harder).
Or in easy and normal difficulties make it to have multiple save slots, and in hard only saving on top of the current one every single time. Possibility to select save slots is pretty often tied with difficulty in other games.
1. Sprint stamina takes too long to regen even on easy, the maps are quite big so you are sprinting a lot and it is quite frustrating how long it takes to regen
2. A fast travel system would be good, again large maps and there is a lot of reason to backtrack later (PC's you need to find access codes, areas you may have missed, cards you want to find etc...) - Each save point should be a fast travel point OR each map point should be a fast travel point. So you can either fast travel between save rooms or fast travel to each map point (where the map pops up on the wall)
3. Some clarification or guidance in-game on the infected women you find. Are you meant to shoot them to stop enemies from spawning from them or does it not matter?
4. An option to disable the male POV shots during the sex scene(s) involving men, there is a reason we are playing a female protagonist game and it certainly is not to then see male POV during sex scenes
5. The main character doesn't seem too fussed about being raped and creampied in her sleep. A reaction to this would add a lot to that sequence especially shock and dread to having some guy's cum inside her
6. The character current doesn't get dirty nor do you have a cum running down leg effect after that sleep rape scene. This would be great to have especially as the character reacts to crawling through those first harmless tentacles and then is eager to shower to get that slime off her but you don't see the slime she is talking about
1. For me, it's ok, I'm playing on normal and doing a lot of sightseeing.
2. Yep. Fast travel in huge maps will be really helpful to go back to them without having run for miles, or more shortcuts like in souls games.
3. It's already in there, right now, walls are protecting them, and it honestly doesn't matter if you kill them or not. Which is a cool thing, for a horror game.
4. Right now (0.2.0) it's more free cam than pov in version (0.1.2).
5 & 6. Yep, I'm thinking the same thing, she should be more “alive”, but right now it's “oh, they're rapping me who cares”. She should comment it in some way, and that something is dripping from her, and it should be visible. It's still in early stages of the game (the fall), so “pollution” should not be as high as in this version, and she shouldn't be as horny. So more natural reaction could be there.
This is my biggest problem with this version. When you are taken/walk, to “breed wall” when your pollution is high, and alien organism is taking control on you, I mean spores from little occto. Then you free yourself from it but nothing is running down her leg, but this tentacle should pump in her gallons of seed, yep gallons. The alien life form needs to be sure that impregnation is successful, so the more, the better. Right now it's just some thrusting, and animation ends, same with women on walls, it's trusting but not pumping.
Moreover, it will be fun to add some variation in scenes, when you lose control from spores for example jumping on some random men, and then interaction with them in later parts of the story

Or version for two, three tentacles, for filling all her holes. For example, mouth one is pumping some aphrodisiac/spores to change her faster, make her crazy horny, anal and vaginal ones impregnate her. Yep, I'm thinking that in later stages of infection her body should change that anal sex can give birth to new little occto, but in natural way not anal birth, or ass can produce this explosive bubbles. It will be cool to add more of enemies the more time we end up in “breed wall”.
That's it from me