Hard to say for sure, for the first major update I want to get all the placeholder scenes in, which basically means all the female scenes for the current encounters. Of course, the sex scenes are probably the most time-intensive thing to make, and a lot of it depends on how inspired I'm feeling. Some scenes I breeze through in a day or two, some scenes it takes like a week of slogging through writer's block one sentence at a time, after spending an hour arguing with myself about word choice and whether it's too repetitive or too similar to another scene and rewriting that sentence seven times. I will be posting weekly status updates on the blog and Sponsus on Fridays, although the blog will be a week behind.
If you put a gun to my head and demanded a number, I'd probably say three weeks minimum if everything goes perfectly. I doubt it will though. After this one though, updates should be steadier, I'll probably do an update every time I finish a major encounter and whatever smaller bits between it and the previous one. Honestly, I wanted to hold off on releasing at all until the female scenes were done, but I just ran out of time.