Hmm. Importing photos definitely isn't something twine does out of the box so it'd have to be done via HTML or java, and that's not something I'm familiar with. Maybe I can look into it when I'm figuring out the map system and if it's very simple I'll see what I can do.
As for a walkthrough, hmmm, figuring things out is supposed to be part of the entertainment, and you can always hit the back button to undo some steps. Perhaps I could make the stat feedback a bit more visible, rather than expecting you the check the mirror and try to figure out if anything changed after every event. Also, anyone can open the game in the twine webtool and see everything for themself, don't even have to install or fiddle with anything. There's a lot of spoilers in there though, so be careful of anything labeled storyboard or notes or ideas.
So I did a bit of fiddling with Twine (i'm more of a writer but I've been learning Twine because I want to make interactive stories and eventually games) and I think I've solved your image problem.
The key here is that you need to take the Paths .html file and put it in a another file folder (the game dictionary folder).
As well, make the following folders inside the game dictionary folder, img (for images), aud (for audios), and vid (for videos).
In this case I only used the img folder.
So I poked around with Paths I noticed that the map you have could be simplified, so I went and did that. But at the same time, in order to simplify the map I had to create the whole image setup.
Here's what I did:
-used the snipping tool to cut out the image of the map.
-created the setup described above.
-renamed the snip of the map to "Map" (quotation marks not included)
-placed the "Map" image inside the img folder
Corresponding, I made the following changes to your code.
I went and deleted the MapFloor1 page and then changed the code for the map page to the following
<img src="img/
You can modify this line of code for videos and audio files as well, though I'm still learning how to do so.
The bolded part is the actual name of the file itself. The rest is just interchangeable code (still figuring it out myself).
It goes into the file setup from before and looks for the Map .png inside the img folder, finds it and then places it right below the Back button.
And then, I compiled the new modded version into a published HTML file and I tested it.
Worked like a charm.
Using this method, you can download images and gifs off the Net (make sure they are in an actual image format like JPEG, PNG, or GIF), put them into the respective folders and then make the following links to them in your game.
Now you can display images, gifs, etc.
If you want my modded version, just give me your email through PM and I'll send it to you.
Hopes this helps solve the image problem,
-Black Dragon