on this day 51 years ago a brown stain on a smear test began to evolve in the far off land of the ish. scientists came from far and wide to study this strange phenomenon as a new species was born.
it was discovered by a geneticist from columbia state university that the lifeform showed signs of mimicry and ran a series of tests with small children in an effort to further the samples' evolution.
appendages grew and lo a new sub species of lower intelligence was formed.
the geneticist proposed to unleash this discovery upon the world in secret and the army of ish sent black ops to switch this fledgling with a new born baby at a london hospital.....
This is the story my two older brothers told me on my birthday, 4 years in a row when i was a little kid, as the story of my origin.
child as i was believed their deadpan expressions until i went to secondary school. even my own mother went along.
boy did i ever have a complex. they could have just said they couldn't afford a cake but no...
i think they still have you beat for best gag played on this april fool

happy new year all