I saw this game and immediately thought to myself "Whoa, great art! This has potential." Then I checked out your Patreon and found out that you abandoned your previous game at the early alpha mark, merely 2 updates in.
Now, if a project just doesn't work out for you and you see that it's going to go nowhere, most of the time switching your focus to something new is the right approach. However, I'd advice you write out a serious post-mortem on
Whorehouse Manager, explain what worked and what didn't in the project, what you learned from it, and some mistakes you'll know to avoid for your future endeavors. This will help people find out why you had to abandon it, and give them some reassurance that this new project won't meet the same fate.
Also, it's a good idea to link your other games in each thread here, so that people can find your other work more easily.
With all that being said, best of luck with your new game!