MC can fuck his daughterwhat the different with
Decensor patch
You can fuck 2 girls that happen to be MC's daughterswhat the different with
Decensor patch
Did i miss something? There is second daughter?You can fuck 2 girls that happen to be MC's daughters
My question also???Did i miss something? There is second daughter?
thanksYou can fuck 2 girls that happen to be MC's daughters
you need the censorship patch otherwise she never births a girlNow I'm about to go crazy. I couldn't have a daughter for 300 days. 16% chance is very low. I've been dealing for hours, but Shakala didn't give birth to a girl. the warrior constantly grows, but the girl is not born.
the daughter in the tower, and new daughter whit shakalaDid i miss something? There is second daughter?
Goblins in the party is a bug, and will be fixed for the full releaseCompleted new content without any issues. Few minor things may be bugged or intended to be as is by developer, not sure about that.
When you have goblins in your party, animation when they follows you stay always even if they are all dead.
When Sequoia is pregnant, when trying to have sex again with her nothing happens.
Chain lighting spell when cast prior to this update was hitting the entire enemy party but now in this update it hit twice only one enemy, hit 2 enemies single strike or just one enemy single strike.
I know about second (first) daughter in a tower, I was thought that he was referring to a second possible daughter from Shakala and possible sex scene with those two daughters.the daughter in the tower, and new daughter whit shakala
Goblins in the party is a bug, and will be fixed for the full release
Swquoia could be having the missing scene tinkerer was talking about.
and chain lighting was too powerfull and was bit nerfed, and its bit more random now
Because it's a test version... every version ending with a O is a test version... so 1.91 would be the proper releaseAre the 1.82 saves not working? And why does 1.90 say test version?
Thank you! I had tried to find one but the closest I found was around 1.7. You are a great time saver!
You can find a save in this post
cant make new saves when u start playing this, my game shut off when i was breeding the new goblin girl.--Thank you! I had tried to find one but the closest I found was around 1.7. You are a great time saver!