So here are some of my thoughts on what this news update means:
[There will be a new "pet" store in Greyport, alas it will be very empty for now, I just needed to have it in place for Maghda's questline. But we'll add some stock eventually...]
The Pet Store will either be a place where you can get new pets, or you can buy accessories/ toys for you're current "pets" (BB, Familiar & Venomina) or BOTH! its associated with Maghda which is the only part that is throwing me. Are we gonna catch or buy a new sex pet as part of Maghda's questline? Will it stay with Maghda or go to the Dungeon? Essentially the question is: are we getting a bonus girl in this update!? Also will the store sell stuff for the Cowgirl as well? So many questions.
[You'll also get to move into Maghda's cosy cave]
Moving into Maghda's cave makes me believe that Dolf will be removed one way or another from the plot. Not surprisingly. I'm hoping for access to a Cave Flower garden in the Den so that way we can harvest Cave Flower Nectar a bit easier (like with the Moon Flower garden). Wonder how it will change the relationship. Will Maghda discover MC needs potions for Phallus G & turn him down if he dosent have them like the Giants?
[Gwynneth will also require a bigger place for her kids.]
A bigger place for Gwyn was always in the cards. Either MC will pay to renovate her place (like he has for most girls in town) or she will move into his House. Either one works I guess. Personally I still think Gwyn's affection should be linked to wether MC is paying alimony or not (which could go up 10g for each child maxing at 6. I really dont want her to become another clingy girl who expects MC to sleep at hers every other night).
Final little note- Maghda's baby is some uncanny valley looking thing... seriously that looks like a discarded doll coming to get revenge!!!!!
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