Ya know theres alot of fucked up shot that would have happened had MC not arrived in town when he did.
Gabriel would probably remain the town drunkard & Ziva would either be driven from town or killed for being a witch...
Mia not only could/would (depends on your choice) of been raped by those Goblins, but most likley she would have been taken as breeding stock. Liandra would have been killed & eaten by the Grumpkins, her parents being non the wiser till later down the line most likley.
The Mill probably wouldnt have reopened, Rosy would have been kicked onto the street, the farmer would lose most, if not all, his sheep to that 1 goblin & Edgar wouldnt be able to open his shop. Tom probably would have been tortured &/or killed by the bandits leaving poor Jenny a widow.
Roderick would probably become mayor, making Victoria's life hell & condemning the town to the bandit forces he was supposed to bring in to replace the guards under the command of Cath.
Frida's dire pups would have remained with the Black Goblins, tortured into being war hounds. Caleah would remain the slave of Urakh, while poor Grug would have perished. Those 3 knights would also be a threat to Shakala & her village (also I wouldnt trust them to to have their way with Beth & the other girls). Poor Alice would have been married off to Brandywine

Erevi would probably remain in the Tower trying to get that crown. Poor Venomina most likley would have never learnt her true nature as a Were-Spider either.
Also if MC remained home, never to train his abilities, then most likley he would have died alongside his family in that orc raid. Julia would have been taken as a breeding slave, with Molly's child either being killed or raised as breeding cattle as well.
As morally questionable he is, MC definetly helped to avert many terrible or sad things from happening...