
Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
I've recently started this again, can anyone tell me whos been shagging Rosy behind my back?
I turn up at her shop and she greets me with "meet your new son Sam", then the very next screen she tells me she is pregnant again, shit at most there was a gap of 2-3 days between her having the baby and meeting me, how does she even know this soon!!!!
If she was Pregnant from a previous Update that didn't conclude in her birth and you visited her 20 days after her conception she'll be a mom.... and if you had impregnation sex with her after your first encounter she 'll tell you her condition soon aswell (I think it's normally 5 days but maybe for Rosy it's less)


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2017
I didn't warn you, I'm not a mod or a staff member, (you might be getting me confused with seraphimd2 who isn't a staff member either)
I'm just member who was confused by your strange post that had no bearing on anything in this thread.

When/If you get warned I'm pretty sure it won't be in a public thread, you'll get a message in your Inbox, and before that you'll get a notification that your posts have been deleted for whatever reason, in this case it will likely be "Rule #1 Offtopic post"
I doubt heavily that you will get banned without a very clear warning, and posting a few off-topic messages won't even get you a warning unless you really push it.
Personally I've had about 15-20 posts get deleted without getting in trouble, The secret is don't complain, if they delete your post accept it and move on with your life, the staff here aren't monsters looking to hurt you, they are just trying to keep the forums orderly.

if you think those others are doing something wrong then you can hit the report link at the bottom left of their post, and tell the staff here what you think they did wrong.
I was more like warning him that he could have his post erased,but yeah,modderators usually warn you about any deraylling actions before taking real action,and i believe banning is the ultimate punishment,so unless people try really hard to piss off a modder,they would probably avoid that solution until it makes itself clearly necessary


Nov 23, 2020
Talking about goblins...

The Pigmy Mate give birth to pigmies or green goblins? I would like to see pigmy sprites near to Goblin Stronghold.

In a future goblin update, I would like the next Goblin female to be:
• The same age as Shakala or older (maybe her mother/aunt/cousin) or;
• From another Goblin's faction.

We know Female goblins are rare, but Tinkerer hasn't decided if a Female Goblin can have a second daughter.
Sequoa and Shakala's Daughter can still have a daughter if only one is allowed per Goblin Female.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2019
Well there are areas where goblins still attack him. Maybe he can raid their village and take their female


Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
Talking about goblins...

The Pigmy Mate give birth to pigmies or green goblins? I would like to see pigmy sprites near to Goblin Stronghold.

In a future goblin update, I would like the next Goblin female to be:
• The same age as Shakala or older (maybe her mother/aunt/cousin) or;
• From another Goblin's faction.

We know Female goblins are rare, but Tinkerer hasn't decided if a Female Goblin can have a second daughter.
Sequoa and Shakala's Daughter can still have a daughter if only one is allowed per Goblin Female.
The latest Poll includes an Option for a new Goblin Update.
Promising a new female breeder and Upgrades to the stronghold that allows the Peasant to arm his Goblins so they'll be more usefull than fist fighters.
The Goblins went VERY strong in that Poll right from the start


Active Member
Sep 19, 2020
Talking about goblins...

The Pigmy Mate give birth to pigmies or green goblins? I would like to see pigmy sprites near to Goblin Stronghold.

In a future goblin update, I would like the next Goblin female to be:
• The same age as Shakala or older (maybe her mother/aunt/cousin) or;
• From another Goblin's faction.

We know Female goblins are rare, but Tinkerer hasn't decided if a Female Goblin can have a second daughter.
Sequoa and Shakala's Daughter can still have a daughter if only one is allowed per Goblin Female.
Speaking about Shakala's mom, it's strange that she wasn't even mentioned in the game at all unlike her father


Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
Speaking about Shakala's mom, it's strange that she wasn't even mentioned in the game at all unlike her father
Given how rare females are among Goblins she might have died while Shakala was very young, she was raised by "her" tribe as far as we know.
Given that her dad wanted Shakala to be his next Queen I don't think he would have allowed her to run off.... so the only Options for that make sense is, she either died in nergals war or of old age.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
Speaking about Shakala's mom, it's strange that she wasn't even mentioned in the game at all unlike her father
Well if her mother is dead then mabey that's why? Dude looked like he hadn't had females to breed with in a while...


Conversation Conqueror
Jan 11, 2018
Well if her mother is dead then mabey that's why? Dude looked like he hadn't had females to breed with in a while...
Thats a good point, he was king he should have had females around him, where were all the females??, I don't think he was her dad after all, I think he was the type who liked being the female in his tribe, surrounded by all these strapping warriors and trolls, the wig makes more sense now.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
Thats a good point, he was king he should have had females around him, where were all the females??, I don't think he was her dad after all, I think he was the type who liked being the female in his tribe, surrounded by all these strapping warriors and trolls, the wig makes more sense now.
Jokes aside lol

I know from conversations that Goblins have shorter lives than other species (both on average & because their lives are so violent) so the King would have at least a Queen & a harem of First-mates.

Now in game Shakala said her father fought humans in the Goblin War & hates them all. Now if we imagin the the way Gabriel spoke about nearly wiping them out then mabey his Queen & second wives were all slaughtered & he hasent had the chance to find females to replace them. Mabey that's why Shakala was raised away from her father in the first place? Perhaps someone like Makith new what her father would end up doing with her if she said?
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Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
Thats a good point, he was king he should have had females around him, where were all the females??, I don't think he was her dad after all, I think he was the type who liked being the female in his tribe, surrounded by all these strapping warriors and trolls, the wig makes more sense now.
He was a Tyrant, there is a good chance that he either considered the green Goblins to be superrior to all other Clans which lead him to only search females among his Clan or that the other Clans did their best to hide their females from him in order to keep them for themselfes.
He was focused on Shakalah ever since we joined the bout but there were others like the Pigmy and the probably new mate (Patreons kept wanting a black Goblin Queen for quiet awhile now)


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2017
Speaking about Shakala's mom, it's strange that she wasn't even mentioned in the game at all unlike her father
Its mentioned that females go for new places to start their own tribes,Shakala was on other tribe(probably her own)and only was attacked cuz her father got notice about her bonding with a human...the fight for the right of being Queen served to illustrate that only one female rule,so IF other females live on the tribe,they would probably accept the other female authority(something that Sequoia seems to handle well,but Shakala daughter dont)
Other than that,Shakala mention that she dislikes her father cuz he doesnt put any effort on protecting his females,which probably indicates that her mother was probably victim of his egotistical whims
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Conversation Conqueror
Jan 11, 2018
Jokes aside lol

I know from conversations that Goblins have shorter lives than other species (both on average & because their lives are so violent) so the King would have at least a Queen & a harem of First-mates.

Now in game Shakala said her father fought humans in the Goblin War & hates them all. Now if we imagin the the way Gabriel spoke about nearly wiping them out then mabey his Queen & second wives were all slaughtered & he hasent had the chance to find females to replace them. Mabey that's why Shakala was raised away from her father in the first place? Perhaps someone like Makith new what her father would end up doing with her if she said?
He was a Tyrant, there is a good chance that he either considered the green Goblins to be superrior to all other Clans which lead him to only search females among his Clan or that the other Clans did their best to hide their females from him in order to keep them for themselfes.
He was focused on Shakalah ever since we joined the bout but there were others like the Pigmy and the probably new mate (Patreons kept wanting a black Goblin Queen for quiet awhile now)
I'm not buying either of these theories, he's a tyrant, the first thing he'd get in order is his own harem, whether they are goblin, human or elf, his strength is reliant on keeping a constant supply of fresh, loyal troops coming forth (even if they weren't being bred by him specifically they would still be in the breeding chambers for his top warriors to use), any outlying tribes under his dominion would only get to keep their females once his harem was full. The only explanation I can think of for there being no females about is that he didn't want the competition.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2017
He was a Tyrant, there is a good chance that he either considered the green Goblins to be superrior to all other Clans which lead him to only search females among his Clan or that the other Clans did their best to hide their females from him in order to keep them for themselfes.
He was focused on Shakalah ever since we joined the bout but there were others like the Pigmy and the probably new mate (Patreons kept wanting a black Goblin Queen for quiet awhile now)
Well,Black Goblins are the near we get to hobgoblins in this game,since they are bigger and stronger than the average goblins,and will probably result on more content for your raids
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 2, 2020
I'm not buying either of these theories, he's a tyrant, the first thing he'd get in order is his own harem, whether they are goblin, human or elf, his strength is reliant on keeping a constant supply of fresh, loyal troops coming forth (even if they weren't being bred by him specifically they would still be in the breeding chambers for his top warriors to use), any outlying tribes under his dominion would only get to keep their females once his harem was full. The only explanation I can think of for there being no females about is that he didn't want the competition.
Well her mother could have died recently perhaps? Mabey he is a purest so he didnt want females from the lesser tribes. Also women from other races would give birth to "filthy mongrel bloods". He showed a disdain for such breeding when he found out that Shakala was with a human.

Mabey he was a narcissistic purist who was old & stuck in his old ways. I reckon had MC not shown up he would have taken Shakala eventually but he either would die if old age with little to no rebuild OR he would have been killed by a younger male who wouldn't have his mindset & probably would take females from other tribes & women from other races as slaves.

Also from what I understand of Goblin culture in this game it's possible that leaving their first-mates alone is part of the "diplomatic" rule he has over the other Chiefs.
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