Wondering how people here would feel about the inclusion of more general game content in Peasant's Quest? I know that this is a porn game but Peasant's Quest is arguably already a full fledged game even if you removed all the adult content. It'd also probably give us more to do while waiting for updates.
I'm wondering if we'll ever end up with a permanent base that we could upgrade with room expansions, decorations, equipment, maybe even staff or soldiers. Would be nice as a sort of side thing to build up in-between content updates. The story has already hinted at a possible big expansion to the map, plus the power that the MC has at this point in the game would make it easy for them to build up their own faction.
I feel like the majority of folk would have a problem if updates disnt have at least ether new content for girls OR at least introduced a new girl. To be honest MC dosent need a "main base". He has the Tower, Temple, Hall & Castle (& his house). Each of these structures are home to a harem faction (Negalites, Qeteshians, Goblins & Vampires). I like you're thoughts but mabey it could be upgrades for these places?
I know that Tink ontends to add raids on you're Goblin Village so MC will have to help defend it from rival goblins & glory seeking knights. Perhaps we can upgrade the village?
In the same vein it would be cool to build forces & upgrade the Castle defenses for the vampires. Like what if Purifiers & other anti-vampire factions some times attack. MC could help defend that too? Those could be interesting aspects to the game.
When you enter the map zone (Shakala's Village or Castle Tepes grounds) there may be an ambush style set up that attacks & MC must defeat the invaders. Could be fun.
Note: I know we will get more goblin gurls later to help build the goblin forces, but perhaps Maghda can give some ogre enforcers? And I know Tink may include a special daughter or 2 for the vampires, but I think a pet Werewolf could be fun. Build an army of werewolves to help protect the castle.