True. But she has also had more content when compared to Ziva. Ziva hasent had that much story to be told really. With Erevi she starts as you're captor, takes u as apprentice, conceives a blessed child with u, births a Succubus, has u take said Succubus on the waystone quest to reactivate them, is hypnotised into letting u knock her up on repeat, gets u involved with a spider girl & leads to u getting a familiar.
Compare to Ziva who; starts an old Hag, has her curse lifted, gets the chalice & teaches sex potions, takes u on her campaign to retake the Temple, sends u to get a gemstone to light the Temple, makes u High Priest of QC & allows Alice to join... poor Ziva hasent had a chance to prove her worth proper on the story or build that relationship with MC.
I'm looking forward to the Temple update because Ziva may finally get some actualy progression.