How about some youthfull potions. A potion that can revert your age for a limited time. It will give this grandmothers character a possibility for pregnancies.I think theres a difference between barreness & menopause.
Some women can be born with faulty production in their system so they are for all intense & purposes "barren" but they still produce eggs & have their period (Jenny would be a woman of this type). The only reason she is able to give birth is because the Enhanced Fertility actualy gives her a semi-decent chance for her system to function. While people who have grown old & gone through menopause dont produce eggs anymore, they literally cant get pregnant outside of having a fertilised egg medically transferred (which I doubt they know how to do in this setting).
And yes i can already hear all the people screaming abou the Vampires. An expandable aspect is these women were converted in their youth. As immortal undead their bodies organs have simply gone into death-statis (if you will) & Tinkerer told me that on their own Vampires (both male & female) are infertile BUT with magical aid they can in fact get preg/impregnate. Essentially without powerful magical aide & slot of trying their eggs are simply on hold. The Enhanced Fertility just gives their reproductive system a jumpstart allowing for pregnancy, but as we can see these pregnancies are not perfect. 99% of these unnatural births are born Gargoyles (if you know anything about calcified babies you'll understand where I'm going with this), they are essentially a type of immortal, undead baby with calcified flesh & wings. They are able to mature but they are not really "living" things.
I dont wanna be the wet flannel on the fire but until confirmed or denied by Tinkerer himself this is what I feel is the case. I could very well be wrong.
Well I'm not going to dwell on my own fantasy. Let's just hope Tinkerer will consider this option. Because we still need a loving grandmother in this game & an advisor for the kingdom of goblin.