Pretty sure Sequnia is much younger than Shakala & not to mention the way the latter addresses her
Care the quote something that illustrates this, remember Shakala is a Queen, Sequoia is a Slave (and a midget), so I'd expect Shakala to use diminutives when talking about her. Her age is unlikely to have much bearing on that. (within human examples through history, using the term Boy/Girl wasn't a reference to age, it refers to the difference in status, look at any racist movie where grown men are called "boy", nobody is trying to claim they are young, it's a reference to slavery and the implication that they will never be equal.)
PS why do you keep adding "n"'s to her name, it's Sequoia (same as the tree). is her name spelled differently in different translations?
I beleive Seqouia is younger than Shakala. I asked Tinkerer to confirm the ages of the characters (cos people wanted an age listing in game but he told me that some ages may not fly if put in the game). I can post the list if you want?...
No thank you, Behind the scenes talk is cheating in discussions about how characters/events are presented in game

It's a discussion about how things are represented in the story, and how various clues might interpreted, not what is happening in the depths of the creators mind.
I also beleive phones should be banned from pubs BTW, how many good debates have been ruined by someone just googling the answer... Fuck Google