I keep on seeing this theory spread around and I just don't buy it.
If the MC really is the son of Qetesh, than why is the succubus daughter so thoroughly opposed to all things light?
While having the succubus daughter in his party during the Waystone quest:
- When the mc and the succubus daughter enter into the forgotten valley, she immediately expresses major discomfort.
- When the mc tries to go to the Temple of Qetesh, the succubus daughter outright rejects the notion.
- When the mc tries to talk to Oksana (a follower of the Lord of Light - the Lord of Light being declared to be Qetesh's brother), the succubus daughter refuses, telling the mc that Oksana is evil.
If the MC really was Qetesh's son, wouldn't his succubus daughter (being the grand-daughter of Qetesh and having Qetesh's blood run through her own veins) be at least a little partial towards Qetesh and all other things light?
Also, wouldn't have Qetesh made her relationship to the MC known by now?
You know, after all he's done to for the Qeteshian church and after all the "mass" ceremonies he's participated in.
Personally, the theory doesn't make all that much sense to me, even if it's quite interesting to ponder.