i can understand that it doenst need a fancy plot but it makes bit easyer to tell people who are dissapointed why girl 1 is choisen and not girl 2

. and keep the peace aswell on the server/fan side as his own head for making that scene.
I never said it was an easy scene

, I don't think it would even be possible as a single scene, there would be a lot going on, lots of possibilities on how it might be represented, As the creator he gets to decide where the focus is... a Blessing and a Curse... But such is the fate of the creative folk.
I'd imagine it done as multiple scenes, each time you throw a "festival of ME" a random one would play out. They could be created as filler when other ideas aren't flowing so good. Maybe using images that were created for other ideas which then got discarded.
It also doesn't need to be all about sex scenes, you can have cat fights between rivals, Girls tearing each others clothes off/Wrestling in the mud or uninhibited play such as Stripteases, dancing on tables, drunken games, risque dares (right now I'm imagining Victoria streaking while Rosy is dancing on a table). I don't know what those things cost in terms of development time, but the way I'm imagining it, it would be cheaper than most sex scenes since many wouldn't need to be animated (for me anyway), just cheeky little peeks into various drunken activities a few frames here and there (like cheeky postcards). interspersed with bigger sex scenes like those we have come to expect in PQ (again at Tinkerers whim).
Easier to tell people! why? the easiest way is don't

Random is as random does. Tinkerer could base scenes on popular opinion if he wanted too, but I'd recommend against it, he should follow his own muse, if an idea tickles you, then do it. I think fans are too coddled nowadays, they don't need to be told every why!
The biggest thing for me is I want to see the various girls interacting with each other, my biggest niggle with the game is almost everyone is isolated in their own little bubble, I crave some drama, some tension as they interact with each other... it's a small village, they have to know the MC is fucking everyone with a pussy... + those who don't have pets