What are the new places to be included in the game? I thought of these possible places:
1. High Elf Kingdom - The homeland of Liandra & her mom which the latter keeps mentioning by its name but it's kind of hard to remember
2. Everi's Former School - Everi mentioned that she was a student of a magic school & we might encounter new types of monster girls here
3. Cath's Home - Being a baroness, it should be no surprise if her home is similar to the vampiresses' castle
4. Grumpkin World - I'm pretty sure the grumpkins mentioned that they emigrated to the well from somewhere else & we might find a few abducted ladies to join the ranks of the mc's fuckbuddies
I asked about going to the Elven Realm & from the answer I got I'm gonna say that's a no. Erevi's school will probably the same issue as above.
If we end up following the Bandit Conspiracy & Cath does turn out to be the Baron's daughter then I can imagine us going to the Baron's Castle in Greyport at some point.
The Grumplins are Fairfolk & the fae live "inbetween" the Material & Magical Realms. At least that's what Tinkerer said.
1) Bloodaxe Pass (the Mountains North-east of Weirdwood) could be the location of an old dwarvish Rune-Forge. I like the idea of having to activate the lava & water flow from a volcano & reservoir to power it.
2) Gater Nesting Ground & more Swamplands in the south-west. I can imagine this being a place of forgotten secrets.
3) Past the Giants Camp could be Tundra where MC can help the Giants hunt Mammoths for a celebration feast after Danghdangh finds out Hilde is pregnant.
4) Cave Goblin Village. Imagine of the mine beneath the Goblin Hall accidentally opens a way to a Cave Goblin village & they attack from bellow!
5) The Orcs have to be coming from somewhere. What if they are coming from a battered Badlands area south-east of Weirdwood.