Question, will the dev expand on the two elves like the mc going to there home land meeting some dark elves as-well expand on the vampire sisters or for future polls will the dev considered the mc meeting a bunch of amazons, centaurs or fauns as side content?
We already have so many girls, 5 that still need finishing content, the cow girl lined up, potentially 2 extra pets (if we beg enough lol), a dwarf, another goblin (still got the cave ones to pillage) & some other potential girls lined up that Tinkerer has talked of/mentioned.
I would say Amazons, Centaurs & Fauns are probably a no (at the very least Centaurs & Fauns may get added as a post-game thing if at all but no word on them at all). I have already brought up the Elf lands (& a way to do so) when Tinkerer still had Liandra's arc to do. He said it would be far to much work to send MC to another land. So I feel we will be more or less restricted to the surrounding region of the map.
So Elven Realm, Dark Elf Lands, Eastern Kingdoms, Northen Tribes, Dark continent, Rosy's Village these are all places that will most likley never see the light of day IN game. As sad as that is but I do understand why Tinkerer is restricting movement.
The Vampires IMO have room to expand & I would like to see that but currently that is not on his priority list.
The Netherrealm is another dimension entirely & restricted to mini-maps so that's a whole other kettle of fish.