(EDIT: reply quote was borked for some reason...)
juancj0710 That's the approximate schedule for the last couple of years.
3.15 09/10/23 Adding what was left out of 3.11.
3.12 07/22/23 Fixing significant bugs.
3.11 07/14/23
3.01 04/15/23
2.95 12/30.22 Fixing significant issues with quests.
2.91 11/26/22
2.81 07/21/22
2.72 04/17/22 Fixing significant bugs.
2.71 04/04/22
2.61 12/18/21
2.51 10/09/21
2.41 07/06/21
...and so on. Plus additional patches which don't rate a dedicated bugfix update, updating his Patrons every coupld of weeks, and running occasional polls for top-tier patrons on what to add next. Tinkerer is almost a one-man show, there's only a couple of things he has help with (I think animations is one). He has a full-time job and a family. And he won't release updates until he's satisfied with the quality. So, yeah, 3-4 updates a year seems reasonable to me.