As a person who lives in a civilized country, I don't like child labour, dude.
So stop with this crap of yours, and make them kids go to school: why don't you make an update where our MC starts a quest and builds a village school and searches for some teachers - the temple priestess might be a very good job applicant for it. Some parent-teacher sexy roleplaying might be welcome in it too.
Anyway, stop busting my balls making MC's children work as daily farm labourers. I can't stand it.
There is no such thing called "school" in Weirdwood. Weirdwood doesn't have the kind of "civilized" you know off.
The Temple, Tower, Mayor's residence, guard house can all act as "school".
- Temple: literature (read/write), Art of Seduction, Wine making, ...
- Tower: magical stuffs?
- Mayor's Resident/Guard house: martial art (soldier/guard), admitrative (read/write), ...
- The tailor shop, blacksmith, carpenter, baker, miller, Jenny's shop can all accept "apprentices".
- Everything else will be taught from actuall work on the field. Weirdwood still need farmers, gatherers,...
Teacher/nanny: Vicky would probably need a nanny who can be a teacher as well. She would take care of all the chrildren in Weridwood.