If there were a reboot I'd like some storyline changes. Like an alternate path to learning Summon that doesn't require asking Beth out on a date, so you can delay or even skip her storyline. Or conversely some other girl than Alice (probably new) to get caught up in Naamah's storyline, since that makes Alice's storyline up to that point irrelevant.
I'd also like more choices at various points. Like a way to acquire the map from the Mayor's mansion without stealing it. (Buy it? Probably spendy!). Or with Frida, she has to give you Balder before she will give birth. When she a
sks if you're trying to get with Mia you either lose a lot of her Affection or lie to her. A third option costing less Affection would be nice, like lying by omission or really anything else than "you got me" or "you're the only one for me." (Can't truthfully dedicate yourself to Frida since that would end game progress.)