If your and Rosie's kids are half human, half halfling...would that make them half-halflings, or quaterlings?I wonder if she can only lactate during pregnancy & the baby phase of the child sprites? Because if that's the case then will there be a max number (like humans, elves & giants) which may mean once all pregnancies are over we lose the lactating stuff. Or will she be able to birth infinite kids (like the Goblins, Vampires &, in a way, the pets?) meaning she will have a never ending litter of Halflings running around Weirdwood... (obviously the number of activate sprites would be maxed like with the gargoyles).
I think that could create an interesting plot for later when the town starts to get annoyed by all the halfling brats running around town lol.
Perhaps it will just be like hay heres a mx or like 6 (mabey more) halfling kids u get to name & she just ether stops lactating or she will just continue... I feel like the never ending children wont work for the halfling as well as it does for goblins & such because halflings are too much like humans in biology (there just short).