there seem to be a bug with the perfume qeust/indrigents to it i alrdy completed it, as it came out so to long to remember for me exactly i checked the qeustlog and the new sun... need them, i dont get glands from alpa males tryed it more times, i dont know how to get nocturne essence either none of the merchants i can remember offer any indrigends to it.
i completet the play what needs the perfume qeust i dint find the stinky bits qeust in my quests log but thats a needed qeust as preferenced in the walktrough so it has to be a bug.
i found also another bug to the buy dog thing, if u have a dog alrdy i used doggo standard name, and placed it where the white deers are and thought i buy a second one as i saw there was one availible at the merchant in greyport, the old one vanished and now i have only a doggo2 named it that way dont know if thats intendet to be that way or ... g
i also will add my save game to maybe check into it.