You've stated this "belief" several times and you're welcome to your "belief" but ultimately what you "believe" is irrelevant, Nothing I have written is about "belief" or predicting what Tinkerer will or won't do...
Tinkerer will add Mrs Miller OR He won't, I've presented idea's that he
COULD do in the hopes that it inspires him in that direction (no different from others in this thread)... I seem to remember you telling me that he didn't intend on making a Cowgirl, that he changed his mind because the idea was popular. So tell me again what you "BELEIVE" again, spin that broken record one more time!... and while you at it tell me what it contributes? Tell me how mocking someones idea is a good thing? (give me some of that juicy Moderator insight)
It a sad state of affairs when someone who holds a Mod position doesn't understand what trolling is.
FunFuntomes isn't writing to present an idea he believes in, he's deliberately warping someones idea in different ways in an attempt to antagonize. (Trolling)