1st no one forced you to responding. And this thread is not your private ownership so that you can tell anyone what to do. It actually isn't even your own thread, so you know what you can do with your "orders" good sir.
2nd maybe if you weren't such a ....lord i would take that into a consideration.
3rd maybe instead of asking to use "search" maybe simply update the first post so that it says
so people will stop asking. Duh... so ... genius, WOW
4th Why you tell me to use search function and literally waste 2 times more time and effort, if you know guide is in main game folder and saying "it's in game folder" would take you half of the time you put in your original post? I will tell you, because you want to be a .... to someone, that's all.
5th If some random dude makes you guys so triggered, because he asked about a guide on pirate forum about some sex game. Then i don't even want to know how real life situations must do so
ps. ah sorry, in real life it takes some guts to actually be ... to someone, so probably not so much.
Also thx for help and not being totally not ...lordy and friendly.