Some mixed news.
Patrons only
Apr 24 at 12:24am
Dear patrons!
First of all, I'm happy to announce that Caleah (our favorite swamp elf) won this month's poll for supporting character. Meaning she'll therefore see more scenes in the next update.
Then on to more somber news: I promised you an update by the end of the month, and I still intend to do so. However, it all turned out a lot more complex than I anticipated and to top it all of, my in-laws will be occupying my office/guestroom in a couple of days time, which means less time for me to finish my work. Furthermore I've promised the misses to spend the weekend with her, away from home. To make up for time spent on the game (you can't imagine how patient she's been).
The current situation is that I'm done with my draft and busy testing and bug fixing. Tomorrow or Wednesday I'll ship the build to my QC guy for further testing. The problem is that there is an incomplete scene, which I won't be able to finish this week.
To honor my promise, I will therefore be releasing a preliminary update on Friday without the currently incomplete scene. Next week I'll complete the remainder and release a new version the way I intended the update to be.
Sorry guys & girls, I hate doing it like this, but I see no other option.